Sunday, December 1, 2013


It's funny how the images of life present themselves over and over in our minds.
Flashes. Hints. Sometimes like we are the dream at that very moment.
You ever have that really deep, really long hybernation sleep? The kind of sleep that you woke up refreshed, ready, and different.
Things looked, smelled...different.
I was sick every time.Various pains and sickness.  Pneumonia had me out for days of delirium.

Many countries and religions have the folk tales of the lazy man that went to the forest, mountain or cave to dodge work or war.
Rip had a good time, playing 9 pin with the dark clad ghosts, drank their rum...and woke up 20 years later to find his wife dead and the town ravaged by war, and only his daughter remembering him.
Is that how it  is really remembered?

A hundred years ago, scholars found writings of a man named Jesus. They were buried in the sands of the old world. The writings were from a thousand years ago, not two thousand.
He wrote of life and this planet as your heaven, and your hell.
You make it what you will.

They say, down at the crossroads, one can make the deal of a lifetime....another old saying is "there is a sucker born every minute."

Maybe...There are no deals one needs help with. Maybe,  It is just a matter of seeing things the way, well, the way they can be seen by someone who sees.

Someone who knows.

TIme. Space. Fate. Religions. Science. History. Truth. Myth. Legend. Oracle.

The truth is in the stories. In the minds eye.


A life is what you make it.

We are Gods.... We were planted here to grow. Earth is a petri dish. We weren't originally planted here to be cattle. We were put here to be Gods. We are the aliens.

We can create anything we put our minds to....and yet most won't.

Ever notice how some  are just a little over skilled to be "normal humans"?  A little extra going on.
You know the ones I mean.
Life seems easy. Like they can see the path.  SEE IT, not just have faith it is there. They just step to the side of the oncoming  trouble and pick up again.  Some obviously have enormous capacity. did he do so much?  I know it was all damage...but how did he pull it off? How did one little man get the entire worlds attention ?

Kahn? Genghis Kahn.He conquered a continent on horseback. He raped thousands of women. A large part of Asia is now a direct descendant to one man.

All that glitters...
Gods. Demi Gods. Aliens. Humans...all the same. Heaven. Hell. Dopplegangers. Black Holes.

We are some kind of clone.

Men defined what god is. Men wrote bibles to keep other "men" in place.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.