Sunday, December 1, 2013

We seem to be in a day and age where everything is segmented. Controlled. Designed to be marketed and tracked .
Targeted straight to the exact tastes of the consumer demographic to increase sales and maximize the buying experience. Supposedly.

Music. Cars. Books. News. TV and Radio stations. Food.  Absolutely everything is designed to be perfect and minimize business and consumer risk.

What has really happened is everyone is trained to only like what they already know they like.

No risks. Not a hell of a lot of new experiences.

Many "risks" are now marketed and as safe as possible. Low risk, low experience factor.

There is probably even a beginning cliff diving course now.

Whatever happened to doing something out of the blue?  Shutting off your phone  is now considered going rogue. What happened to going through the world searching for what you liked and didn't like? I thought that experience is what made life worth living.

Failing/ losing is what makes winning/ living worth it.  Really living is the win.

What the hell happened to whimsy?

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.