Thursday, October 10, 2013


Today, real life drama unfolds. Can we keep it together, and work around the distractions and save the day ? Will the power and water be on as we fight for another day? Tune in daily as I continue to sell pro shop equipment and bowling balls, while trying to work a job that doesn't pay me til next month. 

Does a real man beg for help? forgiveness? 

I personally don't care what a real man would do. My name is Mark..and believe it or not, this is nothing and will somehow work out. Maybe not in time today, but soon. I don't have time for this crap.

Isn't that the trick to life? What you spend your time dealing with. If you lose time worrying about something you will live through, you aren't working on a solution to the problem.

Id rather sell a few things, cut back more, and work more for income that slows and stops the problems.

I am working. I am healthier. I have walked 10 miles in the dark, on a highway ,when the car quit, in 0 degrees. I have slept on the ground. I have slept in a car. ( not proud of the circumstances that got me there, but pretty happy I know how to survive.)

Happy Thursday everybody. Every time you wake up in the morning, you are getting the greatest opportunity you can get.

The future is always brighter than it seems.  

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.