Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Dear Tuesday....

How are you?  It has been a week since I heard from you. You are so mysterious the way you pop into my life for 24 hours, and just disappear only to show up a week later.  

When last we met, I was a little busy packing. I hardly had time to acknowledge your existence. I hope this did not upset you.  I know how vindictive you can be.

The others seem to have ways of getting more attention. Monday...everybody dreads Monday. Wednesday is always out for a good time like the easy Ho she is, they even named it Hump Day. Friday is GOOD, Friday is the warm up for the weekend. Hardly any work is done on Friday, and most people get paid on Friday.    Saturday is usually a day off , Sunday is a day off and a day of worship for many.

Tuesday, and her sister Thursday are completely unpredictable.

Nobody ever anticipates Tuesday, or Thursday...unless you have Friday off. Then, Thursday is the end of your work week.     Thursday is usually the end of the work week anyway, because nobody does anything on Friday.

Back to Tuesday.....Tuesday is the mystery meat of days. Monday at work can set the tone for how bad Tuesday is going to be. Tuesday is the first massive work day of the week for some....Hell, for others, Tuesday may be the only real work day.

                              Sometimes...Tuesday is the best day you could possibly have.

Tuesday has a multiple personality to it and you never quite know how it will go.  

Cautious Tuesday.    The rest of the week is getting ready for the weekend, getting through the weekend, or getting over the weekend.  Wednesday is to get over Tuesday and to fear Thursday.

Tuesday.     Bring it on.    

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 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.