Sunday, May 25, 2014

Pick an opening for the blog

--Our Motto: " It could have been worse"

--Be very, very quiet. Can you hear that? It is the sound of the entertainment, slowly surrounding you. SHHH.

--Specializing in Honesty by the crapload...but it's
Sanitized for your protection. Here at the ATB, we believe in good , clean crap.

--All Things Burkenbine is not just a lifestyle choice, it may be genetic. If you enjoy this website, it is because you were born this way.

--All Things....Burkenbine. Mark Burkenbine. Where Humor mingles with paranoia, science fiction, self loathing, whining, truth and sarcasm. I can't believe I have taken a picture of food, on the other hand---nobody cares.

Slogans for sale....our prize slogan is Feelings of Discomfort: Sorry about that Rash.

--Looking for a collaborator to help compose music with these lyrics...

Feel free to comment or review anything on this site. It is what it is.

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.