Friday, September 19, 2014

Experimentation. When IT hits the fan

Narcissistic Diatribe.  My Specialty

For anyone that knows me...or is related to me(not necessarily the same as knowing me) my life is a simple deal.

My best at most things is pretty good.  Everyone has a lot of good in them and when it shows it is very similar to everyone else's good intentions.

When I am bad, I will not attempt to cover it up.   I am bringing it to you.

I value the relationships that hang together through the bad.  I generally could care less about the others..

This does not mean people I just casually bump into will get my rude side. Quite the opposite. If I do not know you well at all, you will get help carrying things, doors held open and general politeness.

If you attempt to know me, I can be a real prick at times, and I will wave that inner prick around and see what kind of reaction I can get.       At that point, it is all on you as far as how this thing is going to go.  

I treat the internet the exact same way.   I dump my crap onto this BLOG thing and let it seep into the internet septic tank.    I disregard all of the internet gurus information and teachings about how to be successful with your BRANDING, and your content.

I do not want 10 million followers that don't read word one of my CONTENT.      I want 500 followers that feel they know that messed up guy, and may actually trust me enough to believe , that on occasion, I may have an insight into a situation that makes them think just a little differently.   Maybe, I can present an issue from just a little different perspective.  

Or, maybe I can get them to laugh with a Dick joke or something.  

The internet is an incredibly narcissistic little place.   I can't believe all these people are on here trying to get you all to look at their stuff instead of mine .    The nerve.

There are an incredible amount of marketers trying to tell you exactly how to do it.   Hardly any of their success tips actually involve trying to be yourself.   No one is saying, your content is you. Not every one likes everyone else, the internet is no different than real life.  The important thing is to show your true colors, and you may or may not be successful based on their interest in you.   It is all about cold content, cold numbers, and doing what is popular.

Greatness has never been about being popular.   Greatness is about telling it like it is, and people respecting you for it.     Greatness has nothing to do with a number.     I promise you, there are people in your life that do not have an internet circle of 10000 pretend followers.  They have 5 real lifetime friends. If you are one of those, you may be on their personal greatness list--and everyone you have ever met that you told 'Chip' is a really great guy, will remember that and believe that because they could tell from the way you said it.          On occasion, some of these real people that a few people think are great, gets popular.  They usually change the way a few things get done, and they usually change things for the better.       That is greatness.   Sometimes, things are just right.   But you do not find the right people, the great ones, by letting yourself be swallowed up into a sea of colorless below average crap that is so bland, it doesn't even smell.

Hype.  Diamonds. blah blah blah..  I get tired of the constant talk of how the real stars shine.   The biggest and brightest.     Nope. More marketing from purveyors of shiny shit that doesn't stink.  Find the guy that has ideas that cause some trouble. That wants to do things differently.  Find the one that doesn't look as pretty, but something makes you think. Or the pretty one that says the QUOTE -WRONG THING - and means it.  

I hate it when people say 'this is how we do it'.....or that is NOT how we have always done it...blah blah blah.       I swear, it is the biggest threat to mankind.   Belief in order. Order gets manipulated into being a tool for the rich and powerful to keep the herd in line. Order in itself is not all bad, but a BELIEF in ORDER is manipulation. I am against  the shameless pursuit of doing things exactly the same and expecting things to get better, when things are obviously going the other way for somebody.  When things  are going the wrong way for someone....find the guy that is doing alright and you will find who is a big fan of this ORDER.

So ...back to the drawing board.  It is more of a drawing wall, and it is what I throw IT at to see what sticks.      Sometimes I throw IT at the fan, to prove my blow back theory.   I think If you throw IT at the fan, and it blows back on have done it right.   When you are throwing IT, you shouldn't be afraid to get IT on you.       Watch out for those people that are afraid to get IT on them...they have a special way of watching out only for themselves.

P.S.  I do not claim to be great at anything. I am pretty sure I am not.  I am also pretty sure of how you do not achieve greatness....and it starts with trying to be like everyone else.   Maybe, maybe, being like everyone else gets you slightly successful.    If that is your cup of tea, good luck to you.

--Mark Burkenbine

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