Some of the past week on twitter...only my comments of course. @burkenbine_mark
Isn't this Xciting? See how I jazzed that up for the younger adults with that X?
intent is everything. Intend for things to be ok
I have got to find a studio/workshop. SOOOO much to build.
I need MY chocolate factory. That didn't sound right. You know what I meant, dammit
Is there an academy award for best vine yet? Watch out for the 6 second version of The Remains of the Day. & My Left Foot.
Need to find an independent contractor in Kansas for delivery work, quality control inspections, or any other legit service? I am your guy about 20 new uploads as I slowly turn 800 posts into podcasts. Live from Scion XB mobile studia. Man it is windy.
hmm. yeah, probably too late for me.
So where are those websites that will pay for short stories and articles?
Fail? I and most of the world clearly do not share the same definition, or fear, of failure. Which really kind of narrows the competition
My advice 4 U. FEAR NOTHING! Fear devalues life. If you are wronged by a bad person, it is on them, not you. Stand up for what you believe.
a box of 100 Latex examination gloves..powder free,.textured....da da da da da doodoo. Sounds like a line from beverly hillbillies theme
a pretty good way of telling if your work has meaning. Would you do it for free?
Warhol's theory on everybody gets 15 minutes of fame , has , figure in inflation and depreciation ,been knocked down to a 6 second vine.
It has been udder chaos ever since
oh no i am losing followers again
It is ALL subject to interpretation. One mans 'set in stone' is another mans 'clear as mud'.
so is Golf, and most 'membership' organizations. It is a sweet deal they have.

5 retweets......woo hoo...en fuego says the social media candyman. I make the world taste good. Time to take out the trash.
I am trying to figure out a way to make my little entertainment biz somewhat less than free. What else can I give beyond the time of my life
Quirk. a way of life.
In 10 years , when ALL entertainment is free with no DRM, I will release my first collection for $5. bootleg will be punishable by death.
in 10 years at this rate, every entertainer will be a street performer working on commission. Court Jesters. Full Circle.
Only RIcky Gervais will still be making big money and he will have a show on every media.
the world can upload a video, then they could write in 140 characters, now a 6 second vine can be entertaining.
Next it will be 1 second frames, then flip books, then just a pic. Then just a stick figure hieroglyph.we R going backwards
To those that try to sell me 'followers' and 'likes'...I have no use for either. I had to sell my vanity on Craigslist when I was homeless.
The DIY craze is possible because the internet has let the cat out of the bag. There is no mystique to anything anymore.
Everyone has access to any type of education they want, for free. It is alive on the internet. No one is in awe of the trained professional
so the professional has a hard time charging, let alone overcharging, or cheating. Many occupations are gone. cheaper to replace than repair
cheaper to repair DIY or replace. Einstein was right. Everyone is a genius. but if you ask a fish to climb a tree it would feel stupid.
but nobody has to feel stupid with education on the internet.No illusion of magic left.
but ...many jobs are down the tubes. This is how the internet changed the economy. and the do it yourself will never stop.
Expect consumerism to continue to spiral income, and people will revert back to making what they need.
Wait til you see what can be done with robots and 3D printers in five years. The labor force will be almost unnecessary.
who was it that organized that Chipotles entire staff to quit? Shouldnt she/he be a CEO somewhere? takes skills to move a group of people
should be on a headhunter or vc watch list
Influence is a word that is thrown around loosely. That is a true display.
Influence is too often confused with manipulation. They are not the same.
as for falsely driving up your does any of that increase sales, or influence?
seems it only perpetuates the lie to advertisers that you have so many viewers, but nobody is reading. or buying products.
If U R trying to keep track, i do social media like I am host a silent radio show.Blogs R a silent podcast. The best comedy needs explained.
and all my stuff would sound better if Garrison Keillor read it.
Warning! be very careful what you ask to be put in your face.
correct ingredients ,but with global warming Ikea furniture will grow in the dry river beds. Ikea 30%
What you NEED is a couple of BIG TWITS with personality.
I must be really bad at this
I open up the meetings with "I am Mark. I am a recovering bowler".
I had gone 395 days, then it happened. 6 games, 6 games,5 games, 6 games, then made it a week off and BAM! 6 games again.
I am now clean 3 days. and they are like, this meeting was to schedule events & the party committee for First floor, weirdo
I just felt dirty and a need to come clean.
Id love to throw a bowling ball and see some friends. but im going to work a lot and spend the time I have with my wife.
I think Im going to start building and selling palet furniture on the side.
only in todays culture can we idolize the ones that figured out how to hornswaggle people to buy what they really cant afford and dont need
Smart phones, tablets, laptops, a device that holds your music, already had a PC that gets outdated every few years
now you want new phones to replace perfectly good ones..and now we probably do need them. life is geared at these products
everyone looks at sticker is about the services you need, and price of replacements. Do the math.
Cost to OWN. Cell phones. rate plans. cars and maintenance. Maintenance You have to have done at the dealer. cost to own.
everyone looks at sticker is about the services you need, and price of replacements. Do the math.
Don't get me started on interest and insurance.
The internet is the greatest learning device EVER. and free knowledge destroyed the trained professional. Do it yourself.
in your head, go through the people that lost their job over do it yourself. remember is the post office doing
Most of the world is being fazed out of a job. it is just beginning. Wait til robotics gets cheaper, & 3d printers kick in
Thanks for listening to my daily diatribe.
I just hate watching marketers lead the world around by there balls.
we give money to people that believe we don't know what we want until they show it to us.
Did you catch the typos? For each one that notices it, I have a "go F&*k Yourself-its twitter" award. Man, I need coffee
alright. I respect them for it. wish I could do it. just cant. bankruptcy just got discharged.wish I could just present...
me in a way that i'd be bought up front, then my owner would pay for my upgrades, apps and maintenance. Oh.hi mom and dad.
CRAP! I get it. We treat our phones like stolen kids, & we keep paying the companies to quietly keep us in pipeline. sick
every time you buy a phone, there is a momma phone screaming 'they took my baby take me. but she is discontinued. a breeder
I doubt I am getting any of that BIG SMARTPHONE advertising I am sure THIS is the reason.
I will take me and my 6 followers and BOYCOTT the company if they don't start paying me to be a spokesman.
It is the American way.
So many faith leaders R in trouble for molesting boys and men. It is in the news all the time now.
you think the avg straight sociopath faith leader is thinking he has a green light on the females? attention is on theboys
just an observation. this country is so homophobic it opens the door to the real predators. Have a great Sunday morning
The life expectancy of a Hornswaggler in this country is now 40 years past what it used to be. Cultures of the past used rocks,rope & fire-
to keep this species in check. Now they get to right books and movies about how they did it, so you can be one of them. --
Now we are a whole nation of used car salesmen..they become CEOs, investment bankers and the best of the best treated as --
the next coming. We cant wait to thank someone for making life so much easier by taking our money for what we dont need.
if the herd realizes it happened, we are told we R responsible for our own actions. buy my book--dont buy shit u dont need
catch my free low tier entertainment at youtube,blogger,twitter,soundcloud,--Mark Burkenbine. Man about town.
ah the internet entertainer. We all grew up wanting to set behind that keyboard and wait for the heartwarming comments. We cherish the LOL.
Sometimes I read a joke that makes me laugh so hard I type L9L instead of LOL-That is keyboard for couldve made me blow my milk out my nose
you do realize you do not know what good or great experience is without a bad one. This is the entire premise of my internet presence.
Some would say it is my life calling to show you how bad things can really get. No, I am not one of the four horsemen.Silly
Watch Mark Burkenbine on the internet. This shamelessly cheezy bastard will slowly spread like a cancer til he is everywhere.R U Infected?
Tales of Woe.Bad Jokes.Radio shows in type. bowling. tiny houses. penis comments. Long pointless diatribes.- Mark Burkenbine. Pee yer pants

apparently , if you express your personal views on the internet, you may not get hired by someone that does not agree with your view. --
Isnt that how life always has been? That isnt an internet get hired because someone liked you 4 whatever reason
Life is just going to High School everyday. As long as it matters to you what others think, it will control you.
there R people out there who believe they exist to make someone do what they want, & there are people that want controlled
one is evil. one is stupid, but hey, I don't want to judge.
When you yell , all anyone can hear is you saying you don't know how to deal with the situation.
Isn't this Xciting? See how I jazzed that up for the younger adults with that X?
intent is everything. Intend for things to be ok
I have got to find a studio/workshop. SOOOO much to build.
I need MY chocolate factory. That didn't sound right. You know what I meant, dammit
Is there an academy award for best vine yet? Watch out for the 6 second version of The Remains of the Day. & My Left Foot.
Need to find an independent contractor in Kansas for delivery work, quality control inspections, or any other legit service? I am your guy about 20 new uploads as I slowly turn 800 posts into podcasts. Live from Scion XB mobile studia. Man it is windy.
hmm. yeah, probably too late for me.
So where are those websites that will pay for short stories and articles?
Fail? I and most of the world clearly do not share the same definition, or fear, of failure. Which really kind of narrows the competition
My advice 4 U. FEAR NOTHING! Fear devalues life. If you are wronged by a bad person, it is on them, not you. Stand up for what you believe.
a box of 100 Latex examination gloves..powder free,.textured....da da da da da doodoo. Sounds like a line from beverly hillbillies theme
a pretty good way of telling if your work has meaning. Would you do it for free?
Warhol's theory on everybody gets 15 minutes of fame , has , figure in inflation and depreciation ,been knocked down to a 6 second vine.
It has been udder chaos ever since
oh no i am losing followers again
It is ALL subject to interpretation. One mans 'set in stone' is another mans 'clear as mud'.
so is Golf, and most 'membership' organizations. It is a sweet deal they have.

5 retweets......woo hoo...en fuego says the social media candyman. I make the world taste good. Time to take out the trash.
I am trying to figure out a way to make my little entertainment biz somewhat less than free. What else can I give beyond the time of my life
Quirk. a way of life.
In 10 years , when ALL entertainment is free with no DRM, I will release my first collection for $5. bootleg will be punishable by death.
in 10 years at this rate, every entertainer will be a street performer working on commission. Court Jesters. Full Circle.
Only RIcky Gervais will still be making big money and he will have a show on every media.
the world can upload a video, then they could write in 140 characters, now a 6 second vine can be entertaining.
Next it will be 1 second frames, then flip books, then just a pic. Then just a stick figure hieroglyph.we R going backwards
To those that try to sell me 'followers' and 'likes'...I have no use for either. I had to sell my vanity on Craigslist when I was homeless.
The DIY craze is possible because the internet has let the cat out of the bag. There is no mystique to anything anymore.
Everyone has access to any type of education they want, for free. It is alive on the internet. No one is in awe of the trained professional
so the professional has a hard time charging, let alone overcharging, or cheating. Many occupations are gone. cheaper to replace than repair
cheaper to repair DIY or replace. Einstein was right. Everyone is a genius. but if you ask a fish to climb a tree it would feel stupid.
but nobody has to feel stupid with education on the internet.No illusion of magic left.
but ...many jobs are down the tubes. This is how the internet changed the economy. and the do it yourself will never stop.
Expect consumerism to continue to spiral income, and people will revert back to making what they need.
Wait til you see what can be done with robots and 3D printers in five years. The labor force will be almost unnecessary.
who was it that organized that Chipotles entire staff to quit? Shouldnt she/he be a CEO somewhere? takes skills to move a group of people
should be on a headhunter or vc watch list
Influence is a word that is thrown around loosely. That is a true display.
Influence is too often confused with manipulation. They are not the same.
as for falsely driving up your does any of that increase sales, or influence?
seems it only perpetuates the lie to advertisers that you have so many viewers, but nobody is reading. or buying products.
If U R trying to keep track, i do social media like I am host a silent radio show.Blogs R a silent podcast. The best comedy needs explained.
and all my stuff would sound better if Garrison Keillor read it.
Warning! be very careful what you ask to be put in your face.
correct ingredients ,but with global warming Ikea furniture will grow in the dry river beds. Ikea 30%
What you NEED is a couple of BIG TWITS with personality.
I must be really bad at this
I open up the meetings with "I am Mark. I am a recovering bowler".
I had gone 395 days, then it happened. 6 games, 6 games,5 games, 6 games, then made it a week off and BAM! 6 games again.
I am now clean 3 days. and they are like, this meeting was to schedule events & the party committee for First floor, weirdo
I just felt dirty and a need to come clean.
Id love to throw a bowling ball and see some friends. but im going to work a lot and spend the time I have with my wife.
I think Im going to start building and selling palet furniture on the side.
only in todays culture can we idolize the ones that figured out how to hornswaggle people to buy what they really cant afford and dont need
Smart phones, tablets, laptops, a device that holds your music, already had a PC that gets outdated every few years
now you want new phones to replace perfectly good ones..and now we probably do need them. life is geared at these products
everyone looks at sticker is about the services you need, and price of replacements. Do the math.
Cost to OWN. Cell phones. rate plans. cars and maintenance. Maintenance You have to have done at the dealer. cost to own.
everyone looks at sticker is about the services you need, and price of replacements. Do the math.
Don't get me started on interest and insurance.
The internet is the greatest learning device EVER. and free knowledge destroyed the trained professional. Do it yourself.
in your head, go through the people that lost their job over do it yourself. remember is the post office doing
Most of the world is being fazed out of a job. it is just beginning. Wait til robotics gets cheaper, & 3d printers kick in
Thanks for listening to my daily diatribe.
I just hate watching marketers lead the world around by there balls.
we give money to people that believe we don't know what we want until they show it to us.
Did you catch the typos? For each one that notices it, I have a "go F&*k Yourself-its twitter" award. Man, I need coffee
alright. I respect them for it. wish I could do it. just cant. bankruptcy just got discharged.wish I could just present...
me in a way that i'd be bought up front, then my owner would pay for my upgrades, apps and maintenance. Oh.hi mom and dad.
CRAP! I get it. We treat our phones like stolen kids, & we keep paying the companies to quietly keep us in pipeline. sick
every time you buy a phone, there is a momma phone screaming 'they took my baby take me. but she is discontinued. a breeder
I doubt I am getting any of that BIG SMARTPHONE advertising I am sure THIS is the reason.
I will take me and my 6 followers and BOYCOTT the company if they don't start paying me to be a spokesman.
It is the American way.
So many faith leaders R in trouble for molesting boys and men. It is in the news all the time now.
you think the avg straight sociopath faith leader is thinking he has a green light on the females? attention is on theboys
just an observation. this country is so homophobic it opens the door to the real predators. Have a great Sunday morning
The life expectancy of a Hornswaggler in this country is now 40 years past what it used to be. Cultures of the past used rocks,rope & fire-
to keep this species in check. Now they get to right books and movies about how they did it, so you can be one of them. --
Now we are a whole nation of used car salesmen..they become CEOs, investment bankers and the best of the best treated as --
the next coming. We cant wait to thank someone for making life so much easier by taking our money for what we dont need.
if the herd realizes it happened, we are told we R responsible for our own actions. buy my book--dont buy shit u dont need
catch my free low tier entertainment at youtube,blogger,twitter,soundcloud,--Mark Burkenbine. Man about town.
ah the internet entertainer. We all grew up wanting to set behind that keyboard and wait for the heartwarming comments. We cherish the LOL.
Sometimes I read a joke that makes me laugh so hard I type L9L instead of LOL-That is keyboard for couldve made me blow my milk out my nose
you do realize you do not know what good or great experience is without a bad one. This is the entire premise of my internet presence.
Some would say it is my life calling to show you how bad things can really get. No, I am not one of the four horsemen.Silly
Watch Mark Burkenbine on the internet. This shamelessly cheezy bastard will slowly spread like a cancer til he is everywhere.R U Infected?
Tales of Woe.Bad Jokes.Radio shows in type. bowling. tiny houses. penis comments. Long pointless diatribes.- Mark Burkenbine. Pee yer pants

apparently , if you express your personal views on the internet, you may not get hired by someone that does not agree with your view. --
Isnt that how life always has been? That isnt an internet get hired because someone liked you 4 whatever reason
Life is just going to High School everyday. As long as it matters to you what others think, it will control you.
there R people out there who believe they exist to make someone do what they want, & there are people that want controlled
one is evil. one is stupid, but hey, I don't want to judge.
When you yell , all anyone can hear is you saying you don't know how to deal with the situation.
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