Sunday, September 14, 2014

State of my Empire address

                                                          State of my Empire

So I am going over my entertainment conglomerate (that is a joke. No grandiose illusions here) and I see that my views, likes, loves, shares and followers still all suck. Good, Good. Playing into my hands. One day I will rule the world and NO ONE will see it coming. hahahahahaha.

In the meantime I  keep plying my crafts until I get really good at them.  I am but a blip on the blip that is on the gnats ass. 

Over on soundcloud, I have 477 plays for 39 uploads with one follower.  ONE.  Probably a bot. 
Twitter we are lookin' at 554 followers on 1773 tweets. 
Tumbler  a big fat 5 followers on 141 posts.  I post, I comment...I get no response. 
Facebook I have a whole 7 friends and mostly read what I follow. 
LinkedIN I got nuthin.  I post, and I comment on articles...I get no response. 
Youtube I have around 50 videos posted. 5 followers. just under 4000 views.
Myspace, I have 17 views. Only been on there a couple weeks, but so far nuthin'. 
Pinterest I think I have 2 followers, and a year plus of content posted.
Flipbook  I have a lot of content on, no followers that I know of. 
Reddit I have nothing on. Never figured out how to use it without getting in trouble. 
Reverbnation I have 8 songs on, with maybe 30 views and no followers. 
Radioairplay.  8 songs. 3 followers that I don't think are real. My songs get played 10 times total a week.
I think I have a Bandcamp account. 6 songs on it.
Google + I am looking at 471 followers and around 115,000 views. 
The all things burkenbine blog is looking at over 20,000 views. No followers of the blogs that I know of.
What would this be without a song is looking at around 2500.
Author Untimely Blog is looking at 800 views.
Marrying Amy is looking at 500 views. 
and so on...there are a lot of little blogs I mess with. 
Stumbleupon ...I have an account there that has done nothing. 

So there you have it.  I spend most time on Twitter, Google Plus, Blogger, Youtube and Soundcloud.  I enjoy Youtube and Soundcloud because I am slowly working into podcasts and videos as I attempt to start doing voice work. ( there are no easy fields in entertainment to get into)...using the rest as sort of script notes.   There is at least a regular podcast worth of material in here.  

I am sure I have an account here and there on something else.   Just punch Mark Burkenbine into the search engine of your choice. I am sure I will be there.    You may or may not like what you see. I have a wide variety of content and subjects. Some are very light, some are definitely going to offend someone.   

There are thousands of posts  to choose from to turn into podcast,video and live show material.  

Songs, Diatribes,social commentary, jokes, memes, quotes.....blah blah blah.      

Holy Crap.   I really am my own social media marketer.    Ugh. 

--Mark Burkenbine

Thank you for your time.  

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