Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The No Sugarcoat Tuesday Diatribe.

You know what IIII believe in?

I believe you have a right to bear arms. Even have a right to defend yourselves.  And to hunt.    Do you ever need an automatic weapon? umm....no.  Anyone telling you that someone is trying to take your automatic weapon so they can get all your guns is the guy making money on selling it.  Just another salesman lying through his teeth.  These guys make their money on trying to stir shit up so people think government is out to get all them guns.
Really?  Believe it or not, Democrats and Republican both go hunting. and believe in self defense.

My personal opinion is that hunters should use a bow and arrow, and not hide in trees. Seems to even the field out a little....make it a fair fight.  But guns have been in play for so  long there is no way to change that.  Go bear hunting with bow and arrow and be flat footed.   So no, I don't respect guns for hunting. I know too many angry people that probably shouldn't have one.  But you probably can't take them away until they become idiots and misuse the weapon.   Crimes cannot be charged before the crime and it is insanity to police things that way.

I have more respect for the gun and the rights involved with owning a gun,  than I do most 'hunters'.  I don't blame hunters for thinking they are making a 'righteous kill' to feed their family by using a gun. It is easier, more convenient to use the gun.  I blame it on gun salesmen.   I just think it is funny to hear the same hunter telling his kid he is lazy for being on the computer instead of reading a book. Modern convenience....

People eat great big bowls of crap served to them by salespeople and marketing every day, and they have decided they like it and want a bigger bowl next time.

I believe pets are OK.  I also believe if you have a dog capable of killing someone, and you do not have it trained properly to respect people, and it goes and hurts or kills an innocent person or pet, your ass should be in jail and/or you and the animal  put to death.

Why have a 'pet' that can kill you?  is the question that roles around in my head....but then, the same applies to marriage and relationships. Why do you stay with someone that could kill you?

If someone breaks into your house, your dog, or gun should be able to be used in that situation.

I believe healthcare is run by salesmen, drug and insurance companies.   WHY?  How do you trust a word coming from people , including doctors?   Everyone in the healthcare loop is involved in the extraction of money from you, to benefit them.  Those nice new buildings do not pay for themselves based on charity.

So who do you trust?

If you wish to have a stop light placed near your home, do you know what happens? They hear the complaint, then if anything happens at all , they will pay a ridiculous amount of money to have a private company evaluate a long and expensive study of the intersection.  

There could be ten schoolkids ran over in six months at that intersection, and they have the reports in front of them, ....but there will have to be a study.

This is how it works with almost any complaint or suggestion at any level of government.

Who decides all this?  Take a wild guess.  Lobbyists, who are often former government officials, work their way in to the system and slow it down.  Put in rules that always kick back to the committee doing nothing while being able to say they moved the item forward.

No decisions made.  Lots of money moved from tax payers to private business.

It must be a sweet deal when you can get it.    Weasels.

Another myth...the government wants our guns taken away so they can control us. Take the power away from us.   blah blah blah.

There are waaaay to many people in the U.S. for a government/military hostile takeover. Even if they took your guns, the military cannot take the general population by force.    They are boring us to death, and that is how that would happen.  Very few actually vote anymore, and that is the most powerful weapon we have.  Keep repeatedly kicking out crooked politicians, and get a few people voted in that actually always vote their own opinion.   That is how freedom and democracy wins.

 It isn't happening.

I find it cute when doctors and politicians claim they should be respected because of their positions of power, because they are important.   I thought actions earned respect, not people. Results.   Whether you respect money, or deeds, is up to the individual. Many of these people looking for respect seem to think they deserve it.   Be wary of those campaigning 'Self Deserved ness'.

Respect what people do.    The records usually speak for themselves.  

Any government takeover is probably going to be a corporate takeover.  Drugged water supplies and the air we breath will be the way it would probably happen. Probably already is.

Just added that last bit to stir up the easily stirred.

I love this country, and if you want to fix it...form your own opinions. Don't let salesman form them for you.    You do all know marketing is about telling the consumer what they want, not letting you decide.

just a rant.....there is always more on the way.  We are in the United States of America, and your own opinion is allowed.   Everything is allowed until you become an idiot and try to force your views on someone else.     So many just seem to think their view is the only one that matters.

Isn't it awesome to live in a place where all these people with all these different opinions can peacefully co-exist.

There you go, the Tuesday Tirade is finished.    Take care , thank you for your time, and have a beautiful day.

Mark Burkenbine

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