Thursday, July 2, 2020

My Author bio page...I would tell you where, but I do not believe in persuasion

About Mark A. Burkenbine

(Note from the Author: I assure you, I am clearly among the more talented, overall, of the other poor schmucks at the bottom of the Amazon sales list. Please view my videos, and be sure and throw my name- MARK BURKENBINE -into any search engine. Happy hunting, and I hope you find what you are looking for.Now, back to my little story...)

Apparently I am one of a few million people that decided it would be a good idea to take the private thoughts in my head, and share it in the form of a story with a lot of strangers. Enjoy! Let us pretend this is successful and I am a rich and powerful 'Author' who has become a multimedia content provider.

Today, I awoke from my drunken stupor to the magnificent view of my apple orchard in the valley at the country estate, not to be mistaken for my French countryside estate, or villa. The servants made such a racket preparing my crepes. I wish they wouldn't scream when they upset the platypus. Have you every had platypus caviar on your crepes? It is simply magnificent. Oh well, I now have to go place an ad in craigslist to find a new platypus handler. My help keeps thinking platypus are poisonous and that they have to go to the hospital over a little swelling. 'I can't breath, I can't breath'. Constant whining. FIRED! If you think of yourself when you are working for me, you cannot expect to remain under my employ. It is wonderful being rich and successful. My mattress is stuffed with angel feathers and my pillows are clouds I 'borrowed' from God.

Did you find the spelling and grammar errors? I leave some for an extra game we can play, more entertainment for the readers dollar. Can you figure out the ones I caught and the ones I missed? I hope I am not the first novice writer to make light of this process. Have fun and enjoy your day. Waking up is the greatest opportunity you will ever have.

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.