Sunday, May 29, 2022


 I briefly posted an update on my activity that turned into a very human, very bitter mess. 

Let me try this again. 

Currently, we are watching Big Trouble in Little China and eating what I hope isn't my last steak- with onions, portobellos, asparagus and potato. Excellent meal, with my wife, on a breezy mid 70 Saturday afternoon with the windows open and the fan on.  

Been a long travel week of 4 doctor appointments. 

Heart surgeon Tuesday to get his opinion on my odds of surviving the surgery.  Then I have my decisions.

And this is why I took most of the month off blogging and social media.

I love John Carpenter movies. 

An update for some. Drama for others. Just facts, to me. I quit being scared of dying a looong time ago. 

People often confuse what I say, with what they think about me. 

Saw some things

Did some things

Failed often 


 now and then

Chased emotion

when I was young

Twas hell Twas fun

but you keep going back 

to START again

Chased knowledge 

down a hole

where everything made sense

everyone was right

Makes me wonder

If I paid my toll

Do I have to walk towards that light

isn't that just START again

What is it I am trying to say

Maybe the only way to win

is to not play

to just walk away


that are puzzles

are simply traps

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.