Friday, August 30, 2013

If the Roll reversed....when pins attack.

The League.
In a strangely similar place, at a similar time juncture to our own, a series of events happen. A sequence that we of this world would call, odd. Maybe even terrifying.

Picture a roadside diner in a sleepy desert town. Maybe it's Nevada?   You just sat down and are about to order  your evening snack and enjoy some conversation with the locals. It has been a long day of job searching and you need to wind down a bit. Nothing better than a relaxing cup of coffee and pie.

Without warning, there is a high pitched scream from the back corner table of the tiny diner.

Ten "things" that cannot be identified have formed a triangle around the table and appear ready to attack the customers. It is a  young couple ,in there thirties, with their 10 year old daughter... probably just took in a movie at the theatre next door. The evening has definitely taken a turn for the worse.

The father reaches for a steak knife that was between two of the attrocities and one of the monsters smashes his fingers and the other viciously attacks and rips through his wrist. Severed his hand completely off.  The woman screams bloody murder, the daughter is wailing "Daddy, Daddy".

The man's stump of an arm is gushing blood like a fountain.  He can't have much time left, bleeding like that.

The odd shaped creature at the head of the triangle "steps" forward, if you can call that a step. Fangs glistening.  They appear oblong, with smaller heads and round bodies. It is hard to describe how they look, easy to describe there activities tonight.  Bloodthirsty.

The obvious leader growls.  "DO YOU REMEMBER our deal , Lefty? Oh, sorry- I guess you aren't a lefty anymore, are you? So much for that advantage.?

Then, as fast as it had all happened, the man appeared.

He had walked in the door, all quiet and calm.  The restaurant hostess thanked him for arriving so quickly and on short notice, like this was a call to an exterminator.   She pointed towards the "problem" corner.

He was a determined looking individual, to say the least.  Five and a half feet tall, balding, middle aged, and portly. Wearing a short sleeved button-up shirt and shorts, with a knee brace, odd shoes and a brace on his wrist.  On his head was a quarter circle device  and you could hear other metallic noises as he walked.  He moved with a certain balance and grace as he approached the aisle leading to the trouble.

One more thing. There was an orb attached to his hand. The orb seemed to make a noise as it got nearer the .....oh my. Are those things PINS?

The head pin turned, just before it dined on the family mans head. The other pins were biting the woman and child-Just nibbles- until they got the order.

" It looks like he made it." says the head pin.  "the Holy Bowler hisself."

"Back off and step aside, leave these people alone, Head Pin!" announces the man that was just called the Holy Bowler. " you already know how this goes."

The pins form there magic triangle with a thud reminiscent of a military march. They obviously intend to hold there ground.

"We are stronger now, thanks to Lefties sacrificial contribution, and you will ALL DIE NOW, for the good of OUR kind, " dictated the Head Pin.   It was very believable.

Maybe it is time to explain. In this world, Bowling is NOT a game. Those pins are alive and an ancient evil that seem to be getting stronger. The orbs are the ones used by mountain spirits. They are the rumble you hear from the mountain range that make you think of thunder, but it isn't raining.

The bowlers....are not professionals. . They are of an order. A league of Honor. Kegling masters are the knights of the realm ...maybe even mystical creatures.

Once, long ago in a time ALMOST nobody remembers, the pins were made slaves. Bowling was a bloodsport played by fools. Most of the League knew this was a losing proposition.
 Imagine throwing an object at something that can dodge, and fight back....and it is fast, vicious and gets stronger.

That is it for our tale of The League  for this evening.  Watch for more episodes very soon.

Hope it was enjoyable.  Have a good night and above all else, Have some fun.

Mark Burkenbine

Contact me at for details and terms if you wish to copy this material. I, Mark Burkenbine, am the creator of all content on this site. No unauthorized reproduction is allowed.

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