Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Introduction Audio Link Trial Run.    This is definitely a work in progress.

Echo....Echoooo. ArGh. Embedded player won't work, and there is echoooo and twang.  I bet the players work on Wordpress.

Enjoy them thar smooth stylin's.

That is my boring power point voice.  I personally don't like power point and pie charts as a means of communication. I relate more to the pictures the speaker is drawing in my mind.  I have learned over the last month that visual communication is a much stronger medium for many.

I said power point, is anyone else asleep out there?

The entire goal of this project is to put together as good a total media package as possible while spending close to zero.  So far , the tab is $25.  Until that particular audio issue, it was fairly smooth.

---Mark Burkenbine

All Things Burkenbine. Developing whatever skills necessary to succeed, not just survive.

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You don't want to have to do this again.

 Most people are going to be pissed when they find out that ALL of my blog and social media posts are going to be required reading/understan...