Sunday, August 25, 2013

mark in the middle episode 2

A very large portion of my life has been on the road.  Detours, vehicle problems and cancelled reservations are old hat. So are family and health issues.   A change of direction as the road in front of me changes is no big deal.

During my travels I have listened to many a political talk show. Lots of left and right. Lots of Extreme left and right.   Not a whole lot of actual sensibility on these shows...just lots of passion. Passion finds you an audience for you to entertain.   Passion by itself does not get extreme legislation turned into law.

But the passionate ones are loud and make a presence known. Everyone can see and feel the emotion.  They write more letters to the elected officials. They try to get things done one way or another, but they can't succeed.

I want to start a show about the Mighty Middle.   The passionate people on the left and right can scream til they are blue in the face, but they cannot win anything. Not Really.   The middle controls everything, it just takes a lot to get there attention. Everything is no big deal until the 300 Million in the middle decide it is.  Moderation wins until everyone is pissed. When everyone is upset, then there is fighting in the streets.  Everywhere.

I am from the middle of the country. My political leaning is like a flag blowing in the wind. I listen to the arguments and pay attention. I am right up the middle.  Heck, my middle is even getting larger. Must be the pie.

The middle is often accused of having a short attention span. Attention deficit disorder. It cannot fixate. The reality is the middle  just doesn't care. The argument was not persuasive enough or based on enough fact. It was a passion play. The passionate ones stamp there feet and have a hissy fit, as they pack there clothes and plan to run away.

The fight is with the extremes. The middle laughs at the entertainment of it all, or gets angry for a moment then laughs at the tug of war.  Then, just before it gets crazy, The Mighty Middle becomes the Angry Middle.  The MIddle is what puts the foot down and stops the insanity.  Nothing changes until the middle says it must change.

I am going to finish my pie and my cup of coffee and mow the lawn.  That would be my show. Callers can call in and talk about the crazy talk on the other show, and then we can talk about the difference and the upsides of apple pie, as opposed to rhubarb.   Coffee. That will be where the conversation will get heated.  Straight black or with cream? Chain coffee shop or local? Make it at home or drive thru?  Brazillian or Seattle?   My goodness, that would be exciting. I would then have to ask if they water the plants in the evening or in the morning?

Have a good one

Thank you for your time--Mark Burkenbine

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