Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Good Evening, my minions.  My name is Blackie South Eleventh.  I have a lifetime in experience and provide guidance into the wantrepreneurial world.  Major in entertainment , minor in troubador.

Let us define Wantrepreneurship.  You have a love for projects, ideas, thought process and gaining knowledge. You lack the ability to get them off the ground, or sometimes, the skills to even get into the field in the first place.

Let us go over my long career as a wantrepreneur.

I tried to run away at the age of 4 or 5, hid in my neighbors boat with my plastic fishing pole, and was ready to take on the world.   I  had clothes and sandwiches.  Search and rescue found me under the boat tarp, asleep.

At the age of 15, I wanted to be a professional bicycle motocross racer even though I had never won a single race in my beginners category and actually found a loophole that would have allowed me to move up.

At 16, I dropped out of school cause I could not focus and I figured there was nothing left for me to learn. I didn't even know how to drive til I was 18. ( I did at least get a GED)

I want to be a writer. Produce videos. Create companies. Write songs  ( I don't know a single note, so I write lyrics).Sing songs. Act. Write books. Create an entertainment center. Create a group that gets tools into the hands of  talented people that can use them to become self employed.

I like the idea of writing slogans and sayings for novelties, t shirts, and greeting cards.

 Doesn't everybody feel like they could start a new company every day?

I tried to create a blog/video network and had planned to make my car the actual studio for it.

What I do best, is set at my white table, and make ideas.  That white table is my baby grand piano.

Wantrepedour. Take ownership of your inner wantrepreneur, and make some music with it.  Just don't get anything done. Don't create a team, and don't get investors. Follow these steps and you can live the life of the wantrepreneur.

New lyrics at What would this be without a song

Yours truly
-Blackie South Eleventh.     What's your porn name?

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