Saturday, November 30, 2013

Black Coffee and Rum

So, I am having another one of another one of those days.  I am trying to figure out how these words got onto the same piece of paper, cause I can't do much else today. I am always trying to get something out of a wasted day. This would probably be a song/speak ish thing, music looping the whole time and the lyrics are just a conversation about the crap in peoples heads. The music is playing now, imagine your own. For me this may be kind of be like that one song except nobody is going to be all right :) By the way,  Black coffee and rum are awful together but it does wake you up and numb you out a little.

Black Coffee and Rum

I'm picking my life apart
going to  keep the good things I've had
say goodbye to the sad
But saying goodbye to the sad
things in life
doesn't really work so well
a restraining order is sometimes necessary
and some of this stuff you will meet again in hell

<Today I am thankful for
muscle relaxers    anti inflammatories  a tens unit   and of course
black coffee and rum

so I am half looped and half realizing
where all this crap has come from
and I am still hurting, in a state of
uncomfortably dumb>

Shit happens and there's no place to go
you can't run from a bad decision
but most people give it a helluva try
in the end, the damned things will find their owner
every god forsaken time

The more you run the more that lost dog wants to come home
It will tear your world apart, it will piss on every overturned stone

Stupidity runs rampant in my family
probably yours to
take a look at your family tree
and see if someone elses crap finds you
that sins of the father stuff
is mostly true

my neck is killing me
heading to work
may have to make a few more rights to avoid the hard lefts
Sometimes left is right. Sometimes to write is wrong.
Someday everything you ever knew will be gone

while I am waxing poetic, something to think about
for every toy you own that you did not earn
is another generation that will make sure you burn

Today I am thankful for muscle relaxers, anti inflammatories, a tens unit and
of course, black coffee and rum
So I am half looped and half realizing
where all this crap is coming from
and I'm still hurting, in a state of
uncomfortably dumb

Remember, pain is just another way to know you are still alive.

But hey, I gotta be me. Spread the cheer

written, published and owned by Mark Burkenbine  November 28, 2013
copyright 2013 Mark Burkenbine

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