Saturday, June 26, 2021


 How much time do we have?

How much can I borrow

How much can I take

Is it luck


or a limit that we create

How many times can you blink.

how many thoughts can we think

how high can we climb

before we are on the brink

How many meals 

            can we devour

 how many hectic days, 

calories counted, 

orgasms enjoyed, 

how many an idle hour 

How many times can you almost die. 

How many dreams. 

-Dreams are time, also. -

How many cytokine storms. 

How many infections. 

how many warm and wanted caresses

how many dangers

with no protections

how many cold and unwanted advances

-do you give and receive-

how much good or bad

how much grey

how many hugs,  why didn't I smile

things we didn't say to someone we haven't seen in awhile

how many turns of a phrase to a verse

before it turns to song

How far inside your own mind can you fly

 b4 you realize

 you have been too close to the sun

 for far too long 

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.