Sunday, June 20, 2021

Look Happy ( or people assume you aren't)

 Somebody else's happiness doesn't always look like what you think it should. 

There's a lot of happy looking people who are quite depressed.

There are a lot of depressed looking people who are quite happy. 

I guess balance is the key...?  Life is beautiful. AND life sucks. 

but we all know that, don't we? 

Look happy (Insert generic smiley face here) or people assume you aren't. That can have its advantages and disadvantages. 

You do realize I am just talking to myself?  Who am I to give advice? 


I am not qualified to do what I am trying to do. Fortunately, I am the right person for that. 


Maybe satisfaction is happier than happiness?

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.