Friday, June 25, 2021

old dog, new tricks

 Sorry, faithful reader.  It's been a few days since I've allowed a glimpse into the old mindcastle. It's hunt and peck, as my left ring and forefinger 'ave def'nit'ly got the 'itis.

Of all the spots I've had flares, this is the least inconvenient. Well, other than the 24 hour soul sucking pain and I'll probably throw my back out teaching my decrepit body how to wipe my butt with my right hand. My hand has the motor skills needed, my body won't bend that direction. I need to devise an early morning pre bathroom stretch , or the right arm doesn't have the range of motion. The needed reach.

I may or may not be disabled, as that's a legal term for the jury to decide... but I'd have to get a good headstart before I'd be entering any opposite hand butt wiping contests. 

 Heaven help the bookmaker handicapping that activity.

Admittedly, not my best work, but I'm not at my best.

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 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.