Friday, September 13, 2013

Throwback Bowlers Tour

All Things Burkenbine --Bowling

4ward Roll Productions  presents

Throwback Bowlers Tour
Check in ...4 ball maximum.  1 rubber or plastic ball required
8 games
1st 4 game block   --- use rubber or plastic balls
2nd 4 game block --- use any of 4 balls  on your card
Prize ratios for 1st block, 2nd block and totals

Charity Pro Am and Party--costume themes encouraged

Side events
Shots will vary
Heavy or Mag pins used from time to time

Good Friends
Good Food
Good Times

Back in the day when bowling centers were full...

The women bowled morning coffee leagues.
The men had a night out with the boys.
Everyone learned to keep score.
You got to know a fairly diverse group of people in your community.
Bowlers may drink, smoke, gamble and enjoy a good cheeseburger; or do none of these vices.

They also may be friends for life.

Maybe the old days weren't so bad.

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.