Friday, September 13, 2013


     I am taking a weekend break from daily posting to take a look at this BLOG thing versus some other forms of expression.     Maybe, I will move up nort'  and make ice sculptures and snow angels. It probably pays better.

     Maybe, after cutting a e-book in 40 days  ( ten days late)  I will attempt to cut an album of my own songs.  I would probably be better off finding others to sing on it.


- I can finish another book in three days.

- I should focus on finding someone that will read the books?

- I will go ask my neighbor if I can borrow 10 acres of his land to build an entertainment center on it, built my way of course.   ( You may find this hard to believe , but 'my way' is always the hardest way. That it is how it has to be)

- I could make some fantastic you tube video channel and they would pay me for a development deal

- I can have a garage sale

- I will go bowling (nah)

- I will set on the back porch all weekend

-I will put together an election campaign to get me elected as Grand Poobah of  the bowling universe ,  or maybe just lay out a bowling paper idea I have.

- I will just look for normal shift work

- I will do some online research to figure out what this rash is?  Can you get a rash from ramen  noodles?

Maybe I will just work on the car.

Ah, If only I had the budget to do it all.

Have a fantastic weekend.

--Mark Burkenbine

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