Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I obviously love using " bad grammar" in stories to get a message across. I love particularly a fractured broken all to heck sentence.  I do not like perfect grammar simply because so few actually speak it.

I love reading .  I love writing. I tend to not edit anything except blatant spelling errors. My process is to spit the story out of my head, hit enter, and hope.   It is fun for me.

 I just spent the day doing the edit on part of  an e-book series, and it sucks the life out of you.
 Everybody should have to go through the pain of an edit.  I have now seen somewhat funny sentences turned into dead paper.   I have not seen anything get funnier after edit.

Nobody likes to see their quirks washed off like it is something dirty.

Enjoyable is the process of higher learning.

That is all I gots tonight....

---Mark Burkenbine

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.