Monday, September 9, 2013

Good Evening. We interrupt your All Things Burkenbine conceptual blogging experience so the author can beg like a little girl for a few moments.

Can I , will you....may I ....please...pretty please....of course you look pretty in that,   will you buy my old bowling balls off eBay?


So what's a blogger/bowler with an obvious problem with authority do for work?

Keep checking the self employment options?   Probably the way to go.   I will keep writing.  The laws of the market say if I come up with something worth buying then it will be bought. Unless, of course, I have not protected it well enough and it will be stolen, I mean, tweaked.

What if I don't unveil an idea, and someone else does it.   Crap, that has happened to me before. It sucks. I remember preschool when I coined the phrase , 'nutter nutter, peanut butter'. It was a long court battle, but that bucktoothed kid used a slightly different punctuation and won. We were seniors when it was settled and both lost millions to the lawyers.

Nothing is original, timing is everything.

Maybe I will create my own food show.  Doesn't everyone love my peanut butter ,bacon,mayo, tomato on toast?    I'm tellin you, you are only cheating yourself if you don't try that once.  Fifty years from now , when the golden arches of Mark's have sold 1 BILLION of them, you will wish you listened.

Motivation is everything, I guess.  What makes the "successful" what they are? What comes first, the need for invention or the idea itself?  

I have not yet begun to fight for the creations I have not quite yet created.


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