Thursday, September 12, 2013

The first month of ATB is now in a collection available for free on Amazon kindle and smashwords.  There is a link to it in the picture to your right.   Gotta love my cover art, huh?   What do you expect from a man who describes himself as quirky and intermittent.   A collection seemed to be an easier way to read my posts and still allows me to build the stories into individual books and projects.

Who would have thunk that my work would be hard to format, and categorize? Crap, I just described this as "my work".

I am hopeful that I can now get busy on uploading more of the story chapters and get this thing in motion. That should be six hours of the day, now I am off to find work for the other eighteen hours.

Only tired people sleep

Ta Ta

Mark Burkenbine


  1. Congratulations on getting this out there! What a neat accomplishment. I look forward to reading it.

    1. Thank you Glenn. It is just the collection of posts from this blog. I have a lot to learn about format and edit. Still working on the continuations of the stories and where this blog goes from here.


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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.