Sunday, October 26, 2014

and the subject was what?

And the fight for balance will hopefully continue endlessly. A strong willed people will forever be trying to get things tipped their way. It takes an opposing view from all sides to create and maintain this economic, political and religious experiment. This social melting pot we call America , these United States , exist as a place where anyone can 'make it' because of our freedom of choice , the freedom to voice anything - fiction , fact or opine. Our entrepreneurial system of business is still our government. Those that fight and win a foothold are strong. Nobody who gains a step willingly concedes it. No 'have not' who wants to step up will let the 'haves' rest on their laurels. Not a second of peace goes by in a country where every man is allowed to 'get his'. And yet , with all these millions of angry, aggressive warriors hardly a drop of blood is spilled. We take care of the poor and in need and encourage higher education for all with a freedom of thought, speech and religion.
As brash as we are perceived around the globe...The United States of America puts the Civil in Civilization.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

World of Author Untimely: Zombie :AFTER #6 ....a show opener

World of Author Untimely: Zombie :AFTER #6 ....a show opener: Zombie After (Life is a Deathtrap) You can SAY good BYE to Everything & EveryONE That you HOLD, my dear This LIFE thing is a DEA...
                                                                 Play Audio 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Just a thought....

Monday, October 20, 2014

Would you buy a personalized Boxy Bovine cartoon?

Would You Buy a personalized Boxy Bovine cartoon?  Great for T shirts,  greeting cards, or just having fun with friends...Boxy Bovines make you smile.  on paypal,   Throw $10 in my paypal tip jar on the home page of     email me the idea you have and I will make the cartoon and email or mail it to you. 
I am not a graphic designer. I am a lover of cheese.     
Have a great day, and remember to help those afflicted with 'this is the way it has always been done' syndrome.

Thank you for your time, Mark Burkenbine

More Boxy Bovine comics.

MOOOOO. MOOOO   ....stampede.   There must be a new phone at the fruit store. 

 but That is not how we have always done it, says Boxy, who for a brief second, thought about questioning something.  "The grass is always the same on the other side of the fence. "

 If you don't think outside the box you live in, someone will bury you in the life you were given 

More on the story line...Boxy Bovines is the delightful story of life in the herd. Lots of boxes not going much of  anywhere. 

Boxy Bovines. a Stampede is Coming

Saturday, October 11, 2014

One of these days ...

Marching to the beat of a different drummer.

extraordinary circumstances do not always require extraordinary measures, but they do always demand a different way of thinking. .

I can't do what you do. You can't do what i can do.   AND neither of us wants to.        Let us leave it at that. 

Recent youtube videos

They call me...unemployable

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I hit a button on the computer, and I think I am a college freshman...?     It has only been 30 we go.

Bowling centers...

What bowling centers have live bands , or shows?    I am looking to start booking 'gigs' for a podcast and live show. Yes. I am a bowler and may try to work this in with local tournaments.

Mark Burkenbine   

when you have extra time, you could be doing extra

Happily Unemployable #3

"I would like to go back to how things used to be"  ...that place doesn't exist. It is like Atlantis or Camelot.   We want to believe that it is there, and maybe, just maybe, it was there once....

External Editor

When one has a sense of humor that bounces from Dr. Seuss to Hitler, one can get into trouble quick. I go from rated G funny haha to burn him & his offspring at the stake in unfathomable leaps and bounds. I have no internal editor.   I should start a fundraiser for people with no internal editors. --Look at Mark. This poor Schmo doesn't seem to be aware that the things he is saying, while funny to at least himself, is alienating to his friends and audience.  He doesn't care, he is just talking out his ass all the time.  -- but with an expensive outpatient operation, we can have a port to hook up the NEW External editor, complete with tech support.  If you have trouble with your new External Editor, you call up tech and explain the situation, and they will patch you through to a Live Life Skills Editor to try to get you through the situation.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014



looks like aneurysm is stable, blood pressure is fantastic..   Walking seems to be paying off.

No way out of the Hernia surgery.  I see the surgeon to set a date in a couple weeks.

Damn.  I was looking forward to getting out of this life without having a It looks like I am getting one no matter what. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

46 year old freshman.

Does the Second City improv  ( or in my case, improb, ) training center take fafsa?    Frank-Alice-Frank-Sam-Alice.....seems kinky. 

testing. 1 2 3 Testing

Friday, September 26, 2014

If you don't do it, how will your kids know that they can ?

Happy Anniversary New year

 Dear Amy

Holy cow, we made it through year one alive and able to laugh about it.

I love you, and I wouldn't trade any of our adventures for the world and here is to all the new ones we can handle, and more. Cheers!   This is our New Years Day....or that is how I see it.  Happy New Year, dear.

 All the cliches are true. What does not kill you , will make you stronger if you let it.  Stop and smell the roses. Take things one day at a time, because tomorrow never comes.     The best things in life are free.  

strong with force this one is

Your loving Husband


Wednesday, September 24, 2014


you will have to pry the white cheddar from my cold dead paws.

true companion cover, by Mark Burkenbine

written by Marc Cohn, vocalized by Mark Burkenbine. I hold no rights.
beautiful song by Marc Cohn, I don't do it justice but I was supposed to have this and one of my songs ready for my wedding a year ago and i failed.Sorry Amy.  here is an attempt as I try to get ready for our anniversary.  Every year I shall try to get this song right.  I think I heard the dogs stomach groan in this one...again.        Thank you.    For what it is worth, this is recorded with a Samsung Galaxy Note.   Donate or work with a charity close to your heart. Change a life for better.     Love you Amy. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What is the slight talent I have that will make a difference?

I write a little. I sing a little. I can act a little. I can speak in public, and I have an easily manipulated voice for some kind of voice work.

I do not know if anything I do is up to par, professionally.  I have bowled professionally, and have a pretty good idea of what it would take to make it, in anything.

The work I have done lately was high stress, high detail, fast deadlines, do it on demand or do not get paid.   I am very good at it. I get paid.

Which do I pursue?   I keep getting told or read I should pick one..  My instincts say keep them all. How can versatility be bad?

I am not Hollywood beautiful, nor am I young.

cry me a river.

What is the difference between success and failure.? I fear it is but which way the wind doth blow.

--Mark Burkenbine

The other option is just keep working on what I am working on and just see where it goes regardless of personal finance and health.....just call it 'me'.    I am actually very happy with my overall body of work from the blogs, social media,  to the video, the songs, poems, diatribes, illustrations and stories...the mix of fantasy with reality.  I have somehow spread myself across the internet like peanut butter.

That is not all bad, even if there is no money involved.

The No Sugarcoat Tuesday Diatribe.

You know what IIII believe in?

I believe you have a right to bear arms. Even have a right to defend yourselves.  And to hunt.    Do you ever need an automatic weapon?  Anyone telling you that someone is trying to take your automatic weapon so they can get all your guns is the guy making money on selling it.  Just another salesman lying through his teeth.  These guys make their money on trying to stir shit up so people think government is out to get all them guns.
Really?  Believe it or not, Democrats and Republican both go hunting. and believe in self defense.

My personal opinion is that hunters should use a bow and arrow, and not hide in trees. Seems to even the field out a little....make it a fair fight.  But guns have been in play for so  long there is no way to change that.  Go bear hunting with bow and arrow and be flat footed.   So no, I don't respect guns for hunting. I know too many angry people that probably shouldn't have one.  But you probably can't take them away until they become idiots and misuse the weapon.   Crimes cannot be charged before the crime and it is insanity to police things that way.

I have more respect for the gun and the rights involved with owning a gun,  than I do most 'hunters'.  I don't blame hunters for thinking they are making a 'righteous kill' to feed their family by using a gun. It is easier, more convenient to use the gun.  I blame it on gun salesmen.   I just think it is funny to hear the same hunter telling his kid he is lazy for being on the computer instead of reading a book. Modern convenience....

People eat great big bowls of crap served to them by salespeople and marketing every day, and they have decided they like it and want a bigger bowl next time.

I believe pets are OK.  I also believe if you have a dog capable of killing someone, and you do not have it trained properly to respect people, and it goes and hurts or kills an innocent person or pet, your ass should be in jail and/or you and the animal  put to death.

Why have a 'pet' that can kill you?  is the question that roles around in my head....but then, the same applies to marriage and relationships. Why do you stay with someone that could kill you?

If someone breaks into your house, your dog, or gun should be able to be used in that situation.

I believe healthcare is run by salesmen, drug and insurance companies.   WHY?  How do you trust a word coming from people , including doctors?   Everyone in the healthcare loop is involved in the extraction of money from you, to benefit them.  Those nice new buildings do not pay for themselves based on charity.

So who do you trust?

If you wish to have a stop light placed near your home, do you know what happens? They hear the complaint, then if anything happens at all , they will pay a ridiculous amount of money to have a private company evaluate a long and expensive study of the intersection.  

There could be ten schoolkids ran over in six months at that intersection, and they have the reports in front of them, ....but there will have to be a study.

This is how it works with almost any complaint or suggestion at any level of government.

Who decides all this?  Take a wild guess.  Lobbyists, who are often former government officials, work their way in to the system and slow it down.  Put in rules that always kick back to the committee doing nothing while being able to say they moved the item forward.

No decisions made.  Lots of money moved from tax payers to private business.

It must be a sweet deal when you can get it.    Weasels.

Another myth...the government wants our guns taken away so they can control us. Take the power away from us.   blah blah blah.

There are waaaay to many people in the U.S. for a government/military hostile takeover. Even if they took your guns, the military cannot take the general population by force.    They are boring us to death, and that is how that would happen.  Very few actually vote anymore, and that is the most powerful weapon we have.  Keep repeatedly kicking out crooked politicians, and get a few people voted in that actually always vote their own opinion.   That is how freedom and democracy wins.

 It isn't happening.

I find it cute when doctors and politicians claim they should be respected because of their positions of power, because they are important.   I thought actions earned respect, not people. Results.   Whether you respect money, or deeds, is up to the individual. Many of these people looking for respect seem to think they deserve it.   Be wary of those campaigning 'Self Deserved ness'.

Respect what people do.    The records usually speak for themselves.  

Any government takeover is probably going to be a corporate takeover.  Drugged water supplies and the air we breath will be the way it would probably happen. Probably already is.

Just added that last bit to stir up the easily stirred.

I love this country, and if you want to fix it...form your own opinions. Don't let salesman form them for you.    You do all know marketing is about telling the consumer what they want, not letting you decide.

just a rant.....there is always more on the way.  We are in the United States of America, and your own opinion is allowed.   Everything is allowed until you become an idiot and try to force your views on someone else.     So many just seem to think their view is the only one that matters.

Isn't it awesome to live in a place where all these people with all these different opinions can peacefully co-exist.

There you go, the Tuesday Tirade is finished.    Take care , thank you for your time, and have a beautiful day.

Mark Burkenbine

Monday, September 22, 2014

30 days of change

I can't believe I am doing this crap....

I can't believe I am doing all is all just amazing to me. But it is happening. Roll with it.

Sometimes , impossible situations need impossible results.  Since there is no such thing as impossible, improbable is the key word.

What are the odds of pulling it off?  Not real good.

But the odds of some of this crap happening to me weren't real high either.  

So I tell the world...babble incoherently.    People will leave you alone while you sort it out.

and it fucking works.    

I will grandize it a little and call this my NOBLE GOAL , my noble work.   Throwin myself under the bus so others may pursue their dream, voice their opinion.  

My goal to change the world by being a self righteous prick.        I may even be good at being a prick.    

I have been wrong at what I am good at before, so I can't hold much stock in what I think. 

New regular blogs

Shit 4 Idgits  and The Daily Fornication have begun.    Hope you enjoy them.   

Friday, September 19, 2014

Does Drama unfold, or ooze ?

Experimentation. When IT hits the fan

Narcissistic Diatribe.  My Specialty

For anyone that knows me...or is related to me(not necessarily the same as knowing me) my life is a simple deal.

My best at most things is pretty good.  Everyone has a lot of good in them and when it shows it is very similar to everyone else's good intentions.

When I am bad, I will not attempt to cover it up.   I am bringing it to you.

I value the relationships that hang together through the bad.  I generally could care less about the others..

This does not mean people I just casually bump into will get my rude side. Quite the opposite. If I do not know you well at all, you will get help carrying things, doors held open and general politeness.

If you attempt to know me, I can be a real prick at times, and I will wave that inner prick around and see what kind of reaction I can get.       At that point, it is all on you as far as how this thing is going to go.  

I treat the internet the exact same way.   I dump my crap onto this BLOG thing and let it seep into the internet septic tank.    I disregard all of the internet gurus information and teachings about how to be successful with your BRANDING, and your content.

I do not want 10 million followers that don't read word one of my CONTENT.      I want 500 followers that feel they know that messed up guy, and may actually trust me enough to believe , that on occasion, I may have an insight into a situation that makes them think just a little differently.   Maybe, I can present an issue from just a little different perspective.  

Or, maybe I can get them to laugh with a Dick joke or something.  

The internet is an incredibly narcissistic little place.   I can't believe all these people are on here trying to get you all to look at their stuff instead of mine .    The nerve.

There are an incredible amount of marketers trying to tell you exactly how to do it.   Hardly any of their success tips actually involve trying to be yourself.   No one is saying, your content is you. Not every one likes everyone else, the internet is no different than real life.  The important thing is to show your true colors, and you may or may not be successful based on their interest in you.   It is all about cold content, cold numbers, and doing what is popular.

Greatness has never been about being popular.   Greatness is about telling it like it is, and people respecting you for it.     Greatness has nothing to do with a number.     I promise you, there are people in your life that do not have an internet circle of 10000 pretend followers.  They have 5 real lifetime friends. If you are one of those, you may be on their personal greatness list--and everyone you have ever met that you told 'Chip' is a really great guy, will remember that and believe that because they could tell from the way you said it.          On occasion, some of these real people that a few people think are great, gets popular.  They usually change the way a few things get done, and they usually change things for the better.       That is greatness.   Sometimes, things are just right.   But you do not find the right people, the great ones, by letting yourself be swallowed up into a sea of colorless below average crap that is so bland, it doesn't even smell.

Hype.  Diamonds. blah blah blah..  I get tired of the constant talk of how the real stars shine.   The biggest and brightest.     Nope. More marketing from purveyors of shiny shit that doesn't stink.  Find the guy that has ideas that cause some trouble. That wants to do things differently.  Find the one that doesn't look as pretty, but something makes you think. Or the pretty one that says the QUOTE -WRONG THING - and means it.  

I hate it when people say 'this is how we do it'.....or that is NOT how we have always done it...blah blah blah.       I swear, it is the biggest threat to mankind.   Belief in order. Order gets manipulated into being a tool for the rich and powerful to keep the herd in line. Order in itself is not all bad, but a BELIEF in ORDER is manipulation. I am against  the shameless pursuit of doing things exactly the same and expecting things to get better, when things are obviously going the other way for somebody.  When things  are going the wrong way for someone....find the guy that is doing alright and you will find who is a big fan of this ORDER.

So ...back to the drawing board.  It is more of a drawing wall, and it is what I throw IT at to see what sticks.      Sometimes I throw IT at the fan, to prove my blow back theory.   I think If you throw IT at the fan, and it blows back on have done it right.   When you are throwing IT, you shouldn't be afraid to get IT on you.       Watch out for those people that are afraid to get IT on them...they have a special way of watching out only for themselves.

P.S.  I do not claim to be great at anything. I am pretty sure I am not.  I am also pretty sure of how you do not achieve greatness....and it starts with trying to be like everyone else.   Maybe, maybe, being like everyone else gets you slightly successful.    If that is your cup of tea, good luck to you.

--Mark Burkenbine


GO OUTSIDE. Breathe Fresh Air. Buy Nothing From Anyone.  Enjoy a real day.

Not sure if this public service message is for you , or for me.    Either way, it can be put to good use.

Why are you still on the internet?  Disconnect for awhile. Why are you still reading?

Take care, but get lost. I mean that.

Mark Burkenbine

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Fight for your Right

Why do some businesses only have private bathrooms? Take a stand. Fight for your Right to POTTY.

I am not Electric.

My name aint Fester

I am NOT electric

Ive been asked If Im a doctor,
- evil
I said no and I  aint his
mini me
im just another bald guy
no hes no uncle, not even family

My name aint fester
tho i see the similarity
my name aint fester
I do not have the same polarity

I am not electric.  I am not electric.

That is not how we have always done it Syndrome. ( horsecrap for short)

Help stamp out 'this is not how we have always done it' syndrome. When you see this horrible disease in action, loudly ask WHY?

There is no known cure, but the question 'WHY?' seems to grant you temporary immunity.

This Is Not How We Have Always Done It Syndrome inflicts severe limitations to every phase of the lives of the inflicted, and those that come into contact with the inflicted, or the inflicted's work.

If we can eliminate this disease, curing cancer and other horrible diseases should be easy.  

You have to Fight. The question 'WHY?' may be your only weapon.

Thank you for your time

-Mark Burkenbine

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Desperado Cover-mark burkenbine

just a guy with a phone who recorded a version .   Don't forget to donate to a charity close to your heart. If you cannot afford to give money, give them your time.

Mark Burkenbine-Change a Life 4 Better Album

Fire & Rain cover-Mark Burkenbine

can anyone recommend a phone

I am looking for a phone that will work in a pinch for shooting short films, videos, vines , and has as good as i can get audio and editing capabilities.

any suggestions?

Monday, September 15, 2014


By the end we will have been punished for our bad decisions. Not all of them. Just the ones that matter.

It will happen before your eyes and unnoticed, by you.

Then one day, It will hit you square between the eyes.

The canvas of your life, your masterpiece, has those little flaws. Flaws that others may not notice, but they catch your eye.

Once you see them, the glare just gets brighter and brighter.
Like the lights of a truck crossing the center line towards you on a rainy evening, on a winding blacktop road.
...and the rose colored glasses keep getting  thicker and thicker.

You cannot fix the flaw, and you cannot hide it.

And you see now, all that you have done. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Mark Burkenbine ON PURPOSE again

Beware  the talking chin....what a I do not expect anyone to tip.

My Twitter Update.

Some of the past week on twitter...only my comments of course. @burkenbine_mark
Isn't this Xciting? See how I jazzed that up for the younger adults with that X?

intent is everything. Intend for things to be ok

I have got to find a studio/workshop. SOOOO much to build.
I need MY chocolate factory. That didn't sound right. You know what I meant, dammit

Is there an academy award for best vine yet? Watch out for the 6 second version of The Remains of the Day. & My Left Foot.

Need to find an independent contractor in Kansas for delivery work, quality control inspections, or any other legit service? I am your guy

about 20 new uploads as I slowly turn 800 posts into podcasts. Live from Scion XB mobile studia. Man it is windy.

hmm. yeah, probably too late for me.

So where are those websites that will pay for short stories and articles?

Fail? I and most of the world clearly do not share the same definition, or fear, of failure. Which really kind of narrows the competition

My advice 4 U. FEAR NOTHING! Fear devalues life. If you are wronged by a bad person, it is on them, not you. Stand up for what you believe.

a box of 100 Latex examination gloves..powder free,.textured....da da da da da doodoo. Sounds like a line from beverly hillbillies theme

a pretty good way of telling if your work has meaning. Would you do it for free?

Warhol's theory on everybody gets 15 minutes of fame , has , figure in inflation and depreciation ,been knocked down to a 6 second vine.

It has been udder chaos ever since

oh no i am losing followers again

It is ALL subject to interpretation. One mans 'set in stone' is another mans 'clear as mud'.

so is Golf, and most 'membership' organizations. It is a sweet deal they have.

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5 retweets......woo hoo...en fuego says the social media candyman. I make the world taste good. Time to take out the trash.

I am trying to figure out a way to make my little entertainment biz somewhat less than free. What else can I give beyond the time of my life

Quirk. a way of life.

In 10 years , when ALL entertainment is free with no DRM, I will release my first collection for $5. bootleg will be punishable by death.
in 10 years at this rate, every entertainer will be a street performer working on commission. Court Jesters. Full Circle.
Only RIcky Gervais will still be making big money and he will have a show on every media.

the world can upload a video, then they could write in 140 characters, now a 6 second vine can be entertaining.
Next it will be 1 second frames, then flip books, then just a pic. Then just a stick figure hieroglyph.we R going backwards

To those that try to sell me 'followers' and 'likes'...I have no use for either. I had to sell my vanity on Craigslist when I was homeless.

The DIY craze is possible because the internet has let the cat out of the bag. There is no mystique to anything anymore.
Everyone has access to any type of education they want, for free. It is alive on the internet. No one is in awe of the trained professional
so the professional has a hard time charging, let alone overcharging, or cheating. Many occupations are gone. cheaper to replace than repair
cheaper to repair DIY or replace. Einstein was right. Everyone is a genius. but if you ask a fish to climb a tree it would feel stupid.
but nobody has to feel stupid with education on the internet.No illusion of magic left.
but ...many jobs are down the tubes. This is how the internet changed the economy. and the do it yourself will never stop.
Expect consumerism to continue to spiral income, and people will revert back to making what they need.
Wait til you see what can be done with robots and 3D printers in five years. The labor force will be almost unnecessary.

who was it that organized that Chipotles entire staff to quit? Shouldnt she/he be a CEO somewhere? takes skills to move a group of people
should be on a headhunter or vc watch list
Influence is a word that is thrown around loosely. That is a true display.
Influence is too often confused with manipulation. They are not the same.
as for falsely driving up your does any of that increase sales, or influence?
seems it only perpetuates the lie to advertisers that you have so many viewers, but nobody is reading. or buying products.

If U R trying to keep track, i do social media like I am host a silent radio show.Blogs R a silent podcast. The best comedy needs explained.

and all my stuff would sound better if Garrison Keillor read it.

Warning! be very careful what you ask to be put in your face.

correct ingredients ,but with global warming Ikea furniture will grow in the dry river beds. Ikea 30%

What you NEED is a couple of BIG TWITS with personality.

I must be really bad at this

I open up the meetings with "I am Mark. I am a recovering bowler".
I had gone 395 days, then it happened. 6 games, 6 games,5 games, 6 games, then made it a week off and BAM! 6 games again.
I am now clean 3 days. and they are like, this meeting was to schedule events & the party committee for First floor, weirdo
I just felt dirty and a need to come clean.
Id love to throw a bowling ball and see some friends. but im going to work a lot and spend the time I have with my wife.

I think Im going to start building and selling palet furniture on the side.

only in todays culture can we idolize the ones that figured out how to hornswaggle people to buy what they really cant afford and dont need
Smart phones, tablets, laptops, a device that holds your music, already had a PC that gets outdated every few years
now you want new phones to replace perfectly good ones..and now we probably do need them. life is geared at these products
everyone looks at sticker is about the services you need, and price of replacements. Do the math.
Cost to OWN. Cell phones. rate plans. cars and maintenance. Maintenance You have to have done at the dealer. cost to own.
everyone looks at sticker is about the services you need, and price of replacements. Do the math.
Don't get me started on interest and insurance.
The internet is the greatest learning device EVER. and free knowledge destroyed the trained professional. Do it yourself.
in your head, go through the people that lost their job over do it yourself. remember is the post office doing
Most of the world is being fazed out of a job. it is just beginning. Wait til robotics gets cheaper, & 3d printers kick in
Thanks for listening to my daily diatribe.

I just hate watching marketers lead the world around by there balls.
we give money to people that believe we don't know what we want until they show it to us.
Did you catch the typos? For each one that notices it, I have a "go F&*k Yourself-its twitter" award. Man, I need coffee
alright. I respect them for it. wish I could do it. just cant. bankruptcy just got discharged.wish I could just present...
me in a way that i'd be bought up front, then my owner would pay for my upgrades, apps and maintenance. Oh.hi mom and dad.
CRAP! I get it. We treat our phones like stolen kids, & we keep paying the companies to quietly keep us in pipeline. sick
every time you buy a phone, there is a momma phone screaming 'they took my baby take me. but she is discontinued. a breeder
I doubt I am getting any of that BIG SMARTPHONE advertising I am sure THIS is the reason.
I will take me and my 6 followers and BOYCOTT the company if they don't start paying me to be a spokesman.
It is the American way.

So many faith leaders R in trouble for molesting boys and men. It is in the news all the time now.
you think the avg straight sociopath faith leader is thinking he has a green light on the females? attention is on theboys
just an observation. this country is so homophobic it opens the door to the real predators. Have a great Sunday morning

The life expectancy of a Hornswaggler in this country is now 40 years past what it used to be. Cultures of the past used rocks,rope & fire-
to keep this species in check. Now they get to right books and movies about how they did it, so you can be one of them. --
Now we are a whole nation of used car salesmen..they become CEOs, investment bankers and the best of the best treated as --
the next coming. We cant wait to thank someone for making life so much easier by taking our money for what we dont need.
if the herd realizes it happened, we are told we R responsible for our own actions. buy my book--dont buy shit u dont need

catch my free low tier entertainment at youtube,blogger,twitter,soundcloud,--Mark Burkenbine. Man about town.

ah the internet entertainer. We all grew up wanting to set behind that keyboard and wait for the heartwarming comments. We cherish the LOL.

Sometimes I read a joke that makes me laugh so hard I type L9L instead of LOL-That is keyboard for couldve made me blow my milk out my nose

you do realize you do not know what good or great experience is without a bad one. This is the entire premise of my internet presence.

Some would say it is my life calling to show you how bad things can really get. No, I am not one of the four horsemen.Silly

Watch Mark Burkenbine on the internet. This shamelessly cheezy bastard will slowly spread like a cancer til he is everywhere.R U Infected?

Tales of Woe.Bad Jokes.Radio shows in type. bowling. tiny houses. penis comments. Long pointless diatribes.- Mark Burkenbine. Pee yer pants
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apparently , if you express your personal views on the internet, you may not get hired by someone that does not agree with your view. --
Isnt that how life always has been? That isnt an internet get hired because someone liked you 4 whatever reason
Life is just going to High School everyday. As long as it matters to you what others think, it will control you.
there R people out there who believe they exist to make someone do what they want, & there are people that want controlled
one is evil. one is stupid, but hey, I don't want to judge.

When you yell , all anyone can hear is you saying you don't know how to deal with the situation.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.