From my face for radio project. I decided I'm ugly no matter how I frame it, so I leaned in. The work will get better with time.
A Silent Radio Show created by Mark Burkenbine. Warning: Author suffers from occasional bouts of mental & financially crippling honesty. Dress appropriately & wear the old boots when strolling through this pasture. Copyright Mark Burkenbine 2013-2014-2015-2016-2017,2018.2019,2020,2021, 2022,2023,2024(occasional shared youtube video.I hold no rights unless I created it.) An attempt at the surreal edge of fiction, reality, truth, lies, quality & bullshit. Imagine music playing
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Let me explain...
Let's say two competing ideologies have an argument. ( A game.)
One is sure it won, and did, but later realized the other side won.
How is that possible? They each have a different scoring rubric.
They are playing a different game.
I'll say it again.
The two opposing forces are playing completely different games.
It's never as simple as one vs. another.
It's never that obvious.
Unless it is.
See. Simple explanation.
Thursday, December 28, 2023
I would like to add to a previous post.
When I said GOD told me he was an atheist
He looked at how he was worshipped
and he stopped believing in himself.
He's just a dude without a lot of confidence.
Send him a coupon for a coffee, or something.
It's all just sad.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
The Unfunny Funny, not to be confused with the funny unfunny.
Still trying to figure out a way to be successful financially while being uninteresting & uninterested delivering a deception of a well planned but poorly executed milquetoast presentation with boring subject matter. This hill I will die on. My Holy Grail, the art I cannot master
Monday, December 25, 2023
I had a talk with God last night.
We all do, sooner or later.
I asked him , like I think we all would, "What the fuck"?
He said, "You got me".
Turns out he's just some guy
from another time
another place
that figured out how to do this whole world building thing.
Anyway, he's an atheist,
and he's pretty disappointed in most of you.
I'll tell you more about it some other time.
Thursday, December 14, 2023
"Thank you for listening to my silent radio serial with your eyes." -Says the quiet man who wants to collect refrigerator doors.
Monday, December 11, 2023
I've spent the last 30ish years mostly bald and clean shaven.
I decided to actually let my hair grow where it may. Never had a beard or mustache.
Didn't even know what color the hair would be. ( lotta red and grey with the brown).
Thought I'd give it six months, but told anyone who asked that I'd never cut my hair again.
Seriously, I just wanted to at least look like I was as old and cranky as I felt every once in a while.
The other morning before my shower, my wife said I have achieved the look.
Mission accomplished.
When someone knocks on the door unannounced and before you have showered, is it too much to ask that the person should be able to look at you and realize they have made an error in judgement? I don't think so.
I've got until the end of January to make my decision. I'm keeping tabs on maintenance costs and grooming time. Buzzing my head with shears was 10 minutes every 3 weeks. Seems I'm using more shampoo. I haven't owned a comb in decades. Somebody told me there are beard trimming kits and "product". Seems to defeat the purpose. I'm really not that precious.
We shall see. I like feeling my hair in the wind, and the reception is much better than it used to be. Stations are coming in loud and clear.
It might be something else, entirely.
If department stores were smart, they would have a sports bar where the wife could check in their mate like it was a kid at the nursery in the bowling alley. You would have to put a limit on the tab, held with a credit card (of course). We don't want anyone skipping out on the collateral.
Sunday, December 10, 2023
What does a concept look like?
Anyone have a good picture of what winning looks like? You know what I mean? When you get what you want for you, & the world, based on all the obstacles. Ask your leaders this question to determine if they are your leader? Now ask yourself again. Ask your children & neighbors.
Ask your Government. Ask your teachers. Ask your church elders of any faith. Ask your scientists.
After asking many, over a period of time, does your picture of winning...change?
Does "winning" become a poor choice of words? I used it, because there are a lot of people fighting for something.
Friday, December 8, 2023
Ah. The unrelatable life...
I will add to this as I see fit.
I have never wanted to be more than that old man that was ignored, but said important things hidden within stories and puzzles and actions that made no sense at the time...
From where I see it, EVERYTHING in this place works exactly as it was meant to. That is both a compliment and a condemnation of the creator. (It's OK. Creators can handle criticism. It's part of the job, and those critics are also part of the project.
I used to think we all live in our own little world. I now realize most have their little pieces of group think/culture and these people WANT to be like everyone in their group. People in these cultures cannot even imagine another way of CORRECTLY existing. A very minor example: An adult who can't understand that some people don't keep the same hours that they do, or respect the difference in any way. They want your life to comply with theirs completely. I'm sure you can see how this escalates into everything else. Oh, wait. To those that think everyone else is doing it wrong, you can't see how any of this works. They don't have to, because they know they are right. You are wrong.
Control freaks gotta control.
Sometimes control freaks get confused with people who are just unaware...
I use unaware instead of ignorant, because ignorant gets misused as an insult way too often.
Remember- Not everything written was meant to be read. It was meant to be writ.
I'm thinking about doing a few posts a week, where I just add things all day. I've already written so much online, it would take longer than a lifetime to read it all. The way I wrote it would take longer than a lifetime to figure out. No one will attempt to do it, which I count on.
I'm not in it for the dopamine.
I've written more posts than people have pictures these days.
I've never seen the Truman Show, but I understand.
I wrote this crap for years before I knew who Fernando Pessoa is, but I understand.
Peanut Butter cookies are irresistible.
My foot hurts.
Cooking all weekend. Now to pay the piper and do dishes.
Somehow, froze everything and forgot to leave anything out for dinner tonight.
Wife and I somehow scheduled dr appointments on the same day, in different cities. Something has to break.
I get heartburn from eating peanut butter cookies? What fresh hell is this?
My mom taught me if I eat more than 6 cookies in a day, I'll die of cookie poisoning. To this day, on the rare day I have a few cookies, I'll wake up in a frenzied state and recount my binge. It's hard to sleep if I'm not sure of the count. I'm sure some of the nonbelievers will think that's funny.
I once tried working at a doughnut shop. After a few weeks of third shift making doughnuts in the heat, I was asked to work register also until noon because the cashier quit. My bedroom was in the basement, and I (while sleepwalking during the day) apparently lined up album covers full of stuff all the way up the stairs and the counter to the kitchen sink and I turned on the hot water to start frying the "Doughnuts".
My family left them out so I would see them when I woke up. It would've been a viral video in this day and age. One of the few jobs I've quit that was approved by family.
Have a good day. I mean that.
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Searching for my best hour...but an hour of what? This will change often
I will add to this as I see fit.
I have never wanted to be more than that old man that was ignored, but said important things hidden within stories and puzzles and actions that made no sense at the time...
From where I see it, EVERYTHING in this place works exactly as it was meant to. That is both a compliment and a condemnation of the creator. (It's OK. Creators can handle criticism. It's part of the job, and those critics are also part of the project).
Perhaps, tomorrow I will save the world by telling someone young it's their job.
I will never forget that day I found out Peanut Butter was not actually good for you. Betrayal. Middle age has been rough.
I was sent to Dillons to broker a transaction for 'Turkey Necks' this morning. My instructions were to go to the back, and ask THE GUY if the Turkey Necks are in. If he says yes, push this button on this trac phone ( a burner? I presume)
tell me the price, and I will tell you the quantity. I freaked and blew the deal, when I am almost to the back, and a lady asks if she can help. I say Turkey Necks, and she says, Turkey what? and goes to the back and yells Turkey Necks?
and I hear a yell from A guy (not THE GUY) who yells Turkey WHAT? The kibosh was put on this deal early. I should have only spoken to THE GUY. Supposedly, this is about broth.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Dream a little dream with me
I had a dream about an odd conversation I actually had at a gas station on an odd adventure to New York that really happened and the dream and the actual trip were very much like a story I would write if I were to describe my entire life. Potholes, dead stops on the highway of life, maintenance, bad expensive pizza, a meaningless but meaningful award, good company, secret agent man, failing but winning because we made it back alive, embarrassment and vomit.
Anyway, I see it as a conversation that I am supposed to remember. It was unlike any other I've ever had. The dream was a reminder.
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Sunday, November 5, 2023
I wish I was wrong.
Too many good people
that I want to be right.
I'm willing to be the idiot that was wrong
for the sake of all those who think they are right.
It takes all kinds...BUT
I truly believe it takes all kinds.
I've tried to write this four or five times.
Unfortunately, some kinds are "subtracted from the equation".
And this happens, often enough,
to make one not sure what "IT" is.
I give you no context, as a gift.
Each of you who read this
will have a different all kinds
a different subtraction
and a different "IT".
Thursday, November 2, 2023
The Abysmal
When one stares into the screen for a little too long,
It stares back into you.
Nietzsche , and Jung, warned of this.
Saturday, October 21, 2023
One day, I was thinking.
They say that was when the trouble started.
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Them: What about sketch comedy?
Me: I've been doing it in real life for 56 years.
Them: I mean, on stage.
Me: Like my blog?
Them: No. In real life.
Me: But it's all I've ever done.
Them: Show me an example on stage.
Me: I just did.
Them: Your silent radio show is NOT a stage act.
Me: That's a narrow view of creativity.
Them: Walking away now.
Me: Can you walk away with your feet pointing outward a little more. Maybe swing your cane like it were an umbrella. I need attitude. Click your heels a bit, you bitch. Walk away like no amount of money will buy me, but know you will want me. AAAAAND scene.
Saturday, October 7, 2023
There problem.
It's not a typo.
It means don't be THERE when you say THAT.
Friday, October 6, 2023
Long Game?
Never heard of it.
Insert bad blue joke here.
But seriously...
The long game
is the only game that matters.
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Original title was longer than the post
Good morning. Welcome to another episode of The Willfully Ignorant. Today, each tool on our panel will tell us their viewpoint based on their only function.
Hammer- Nail it. Screwdriver- Screw it. Glue- We need bonding. Rope- Let's just say I'm versatile & the future is bright.Talk to ten experts, and they will tell you the problem and how to fix it based on their point of view. Problem is, they are all right but think their one solution is the cure all.
It's like this for everything. As a general rule, experts validate their existence with their opinion, which they expect you to take as gospel. When they can't sell it, they force it.
They like easy sales.
Have a bright and shiny day.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Stating the obvious.
Rube Goldberg machine.
The hardest way to do the easiest thing.
Life and Death.
I'm right, but this is why you'll always find me in the kitchen at parties.
Irrelevance is a great place to be if you wear it well.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
I don't remember what it was.
I forgot something once.
I didn't think that could happen
but there I was, at
The beginning of the end.
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Bot or avid reader?
It's not that interesting.
Friday, September 15, 2023
I'm funny to someone that has fallen from on high, bounced on several tree limbs, and been dragged by their balls on a gravel road and lived through it.
There is a reason for that.
He doesn't even know my name.
I know
very well
a pocket of people
that don't laugh at the same things
I do
and I don't laugh at what they think is funny
It's a blunt kind of honesty
It's like a pocket of time
That I remember
but left
I don't want to burst that bubble
and I could
but I would protect it
If I could
even though it will never be home
Better to be me, alone.
More to this will come, it's probably not what you think. It's worse.
Careful what you wish for.
Years ago, I dreamed and made a short sighted goal. I wanted something and it concerned a dollar amount. In my second attempt, I got it.
Just like that.
But, I finished second.
Twist this however you want, but get the gist...
Hey! Asshole! I'm talking to you.
If this world is just one dimension out of many,
and the world is being ran by demons and such,
and it's such a shit hole...
then WHY is real estate in the pretty places so DAMN expensive?
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Whoever or whatever reads this blog...
Hello. I'm Mark. Good to meet you.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
News is simple.
The real news is always something that didn't get talked about.
That goes for social media, as well.
Monday, September 11, 2023
Birds Eye View
Get above the situation and look down to see the big picture.
Then climb higher, and repeat.
Don't expect anyone else to see it.
You are in rarified air.
Saturday, September 9, 2023
Monday, September 4, 2023
An unpolitical take on Labor Day
I'm trying to stay up 'til midnight on this Labor Day Eve, when the ball falls on this holiest of holidays, Labor Day, when we celebrate the money changers.
I always loved watching Dick Clark do the countdown.
(Rooster crows in the background)
I'm a little tired from being up so late, but up and at 'em to head to the cemetery to watch them put all the beautiful fresh flowers on the tombstones. You know, damn near everybody in here worked themselves to death, and were proud of it.
I hear some of them were so good and worked so much their boss owned a jet AND a few public officials.
It's not political.
Jets are expensive.
Sunday, September 3, 2023
I also miss the comedy of Martin Mull.
He really should do a short set for prosperity, if he is able. One more time with the living room set up and the band. Or tour with Steve Martin and Martin Short. It's a lot of Martin's. There is something good in there.
For the occasional person who has a large social media presence, money &/or influence, who reads my account....
Keep this your little secret. The blog, I mean.
If you like it, keep the audience small.
I know it sounds odd.
I've actually had to say the words aloud, so I know what it sounds like.
It's just not meant to be successful.
Just occasionally funny, weird, boring, adventurous, weird again, sentimental, scary, loving, unintelligible, and sometimes informative. Life like.
I'm not a certified professional anything.
I'm proud of that.
Joe Frank.
Looking at the world today, I have to ask "What would Joe Frank do about this situation"?
I'm starting to learn Dutch.
And at least listening to some of The Brothers Karamazov.
And ancient bricklaying techniques.
That's the ticket.
Saturday, September 2, 2023
Reminder: I'm a fictional character based on a caricature of myself, and anything I say on this blog cannot be construed as truthful beyond this blogs boundaries.
No Trespassing !
You can read, but you can't come inside.
A lot of money is made by selling people a cure for an unresolvable issue
A problem
scares the crap out of everyone
running its course
and then
the cure is sold
Later, when it happens again,
they call the same problem
something else.
Definitions are powerful.
DANGER: You are entering a world of complete self indulgence.
I know some people can't or shouldn't grow a beard, but here I am.
I've never really tried. It's pretty patchy.
Razor blades are expensive.
I may never cut my hair again, either.
I'm at this stage where I want to keep everything that is really mine
for as long as possible, and not replace it.
My mistakes. My pain. My teeth. My hair.
Anyway, I read it takes four months to see the patches fill up
for most...
I bet it takes a year for me. Beard is probably patchy from all the scar tissue.
I had bad acne, ingrown hairs, and spent some time skidding on my face after many failed
attempts at childhood acts of coordination. (walking, tree climbing, bicycle tricks, stairs, etc...).
Welcome to my Blog.
Don't stray from the path.
I am your host.
Mark Burkenbine.
God help us ( Is a long last goodbye)
You've got eyes to see
Ears to hear
get used to those who don't
who think you only spout fear
you can tell
as many as you want
but they just want to enjoy
a nice meal
at any given restaurant
-They have work to do
Is it OK to tell them
if they can't see it
when it is right
before their eyes
they are scared
yet kind of happy
I think they know
but prefer happy lies
-but You have work to do
You take all the crap
as they pile on
angry at you
for ruining their mood
They have money to make
and bills to pay
it runs their life
and buys what used to be called food
We all have work to do
Some see a big picture
that is actually small
some see a small detail
that can change it all
That's why truth
is worth it
you have to be willing to stand
after you fall
sometimes, someone
is doing the work for you
(right or wrong?)
Lots of people
call themselves Atheists
but draw, write, make things
make babies,
Lots of scientists
shape, manipulate, break things
destroy His toys
They fix the mistake
in the Divine
in hopes of being GOD
or, worse yet,
bringing GOD back here,
and telling GOD he still has work to do.
Thursday, August 31, 2023
It's A Trick !
The apex predator Vampire only appears on camera while telling lies and laundering your tax dollars.
The more money they get, the more visible they are. Immune to crosses and garlic, once they start to shine, they grow bolder and bolder, sniffing hair as they see fit.
I have spoken.
History will bear/bare this out.
I am a better writer/creator/humorist/artist than I am a bowler.
You will all be gone
before this is recognized.
Nobody should have this much confidence in their poordom.
Queue the thunder...
naaa aaaa aaaa aaaauh aaaaah aaaaa aaaah aaah uh
Friday, August 25, 2023
you just have to go EH!
I am serving my porpoise!
In your best ethnic accent.
My life changed greatly after my doctor said I must spend six hours a day on the toilet. He actually said I have to take that med twice a day, but I said six hours is enough.
Lots of time to reflect
serving my life sentence
in the porcelain prison.
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Something like that
Nothing exists without belief.
Nothing exists, without belief.
Without belief, nothing exists.
Everything is nothing.
Nothing is everything.
I feel witty today.
The people love it when that happens.
If that gets any of them pissy
I'll bust out a big can of whimsy.
Growth implies roots...roots implies time?
If you look back
and notice
how different you are
from what you were
most of it
is the anxiety
of time
Some think it moves
faster or slower
some think we move faster or slower
but in the end it is both
Youngsters will never understand that
the current gears of the machine
aren't what you would hope they get to
in the end
At first,
you can't see past your face
In the end
you will see what you will have learned to see
some will see what they have earned to see
some of those see Aeons.
If this isn't your type of thing,
I occasionally tell dick jokes to discredit myself.
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Ah. The constant battle.
Somebody: You should do something great.
Probably Me: But, I'm pretty sure I already have. At least a few times.
Somebody: But I never noticed?
Probably me: Not sure that is my problem.
Somebody: It's not success if you didn't get paid. It's only success if a lot of people notice.
Probably me: It's about the right people noticing. Money is not the only form of payment. Time has a way...
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Good, bad, or otherwise
...Life is an amazing thing.
You need to recognize that.
Even if you think it's shit
It's a fucking miracle.
(A fucking miracle everyone else is going through, as well. )
We scrutinize things to death.
Read some books, if you can.
It never hurts to look at what some of the greatest minds that ever lived
had to offer you, years-decades-centuries, after their death.
But you got this thing...Life.
Just TRY.
It ends when it does. (We all get to where we are going.)
Sometimes, you may squeak by longer than you should.
Pardon my earlier language.
Just try to get better.
Better than you were yesterday.
Better than that last time you went through this.
Whatever this is.
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
With all your being
Say things that mean nothing, but mean everything. Just mean them, and honor them.
You will figure that out, when the time comes. Or you won't.
Sunday, August 13, 2023
World View
The battle of "I like Hell just the way it is" vs. "I'd like a fresh Hell"
continues ...
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Stasis is an illusion.
Nothing is just a lot of important things moving really slow compared to everything else.
It's very hard to maintain.
Captains Log: Star Date 08/12/2023 (or so they tell us)
The world is undergoing an I.Q. Test and is failing miserably.
Look seriously at all technological advancements throughout time.
There is a pattern.
The selling point overshadows the eventual loss of freedom.
We the people happily pay for the means of own incarceration.
When you look at the gears of the machine,
you realize the better mousetrap
is the one the mouse doesn't even know it's in.
Whoever designed that mousetrap
was only making a smaller version
of the trap it was already in.
Big Fish in a little pond.
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
A political sentence
Soon, right and wrong will be the only thing left.
Saturday, August 5, 2023
You know, my other blog is more interesting.
I've never liked the idea of suggestion, or influence, unless it was used to create critical thinking.
I encourage...oh, never mind.
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Endless doesn't mean forever. It means Ends Fewer Times.
And then you ask yourself "Where is here?" and keep expounding endlessly on the answer, and the next thing you know, you are so far down the rabbit hole that you realize it is worse than you thought.
The "Here" you knew is a lot less dismal than the "Here" you now know, until you try to go back.The thought experiment of life makes it hard to go back home again.
Endless is also the title and goal of this project.
Saturday, July 29, 2023
If you pay attention, you are being told the quiet part QUITE LOUDLY !
Thursday, July 27, 2023
No more mulligans.
You get to an age and a situation.. and you wonder if that was the last time...and you will wonder if you did that the best way...and it won't matter, because it was the last time. And, yeah. You probably did it badly.
Life in a nutshell.
Maybe acceptable prose, but not a whole lot of storybook endings.
Might even be poetic,
if you space it write.
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Find The Spark.
Never let yourself forget that anything and everything can be amazing in its own way.
It doesn't have to even be something you think is a good thing.
There is amazing evil.
There is amazing beauty, of course.
As horrible as a supposedly natural disaster can be, it is still amazing.
There are amazing feats of the mind, good and bad.
Feats of strength.
Amazing failures.
Amazing wealth, and amazing poverty.
Amazing crimes.
People can be amazingly callous.
There are films that are of amazingly horrible things, but are made amazingly well.
Amazing can be the decision to do something horrible, and the decision to throw away everything to help someone in need.
You live in a world of amazement. Let it be your spark.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Life- is it a part written for you, or are you improvising?
There is this prick I see in the mirror that keeps telling me it's not creative, nor comedy, to just describe a situation that actually happened. It's infuriating to me that he doesn't realize that it is both creative and comedic to have put myself in position to actually be in that situation, and live to tell about it.
Monday, July 10, 2023
Current Landscape
Teacher says I'm smart
'cause I believe the right things
When I order chicken
I ask if these are right or left wings
I Live in the internet
I am the internet
We are the internet
I tell stories that take a lifetime to read
No edit
no beginning
no end
no need
Know Need
Know Need
Just a story teller looking
for the story someone wants to hear
Lots of things worth writing
not worth reading
Lots of songs need sang
but not heard
Lots of art needs created
Flying is not for every bird
Not every joke is funny
but if no one ever tried...
How would we know A
guy like Fernando Pessoa
after he died?
Know lots of words
don't know how to spell them
Don't know how to say them
Don't know how to use them
What planet are the Octonians from?
Sometimes I feel like a pigment
of the maninfestation
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Being Human.
If you think being observed is the same as being noticed, you have already been corrupted by a dictionary. One is cold and clinical. One incites an emotion.
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
the world is my oyster...
and i've got a shellfish allergy.
Monday, April 10, 2023
You Gotta watch out for...
The 'ism.
It's always the 'ism.
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Beware of culinary delights
I'm starting to think that everyone who posts their recipe on the internet is convinced that it will taste good.
It's just not true.
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Hidden Unpublished Post.
You know, when I say belief, I didn't think about how most people understand it.
You know the lesser meaning.
I know it means the science above all you know.
Again, not as insulting as you would think.
It's just not apparent.
Monday, March 27, 2023
It felt like it was time to discredit myself.
I'd tell you all I am suffering from painful gas
but nobody gives a shit
and you thought I only did high brow artsy fartsy stuff
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Good morning.
Horrible pain in my teeth, gums and eye. Been up since 3 am. Took some naproxen. It helped a little.
It's about 5:30, though.
The birds are loud, and I smile.
I needed that.
The things you learn to appreciate as you get older...
those things that were there all along...
That is part of a full life, I suppose.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
May the rabid marsupial of profundity bite you in the ass. Good luck with that.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Try as you might...
... it's hard to walk through life without getting at least a little something on you that soap can't wash off.
I'm talking about knowledge, but I know most people tend to think I mean STD's.
Anyway, some people give it a hell of a try.
Not the insult you think it is.
Still haven't mastered the art of not getting pepper blown back in my nose while cooking
3 types of creatures in this world of belief.
Those that believe what they see and hear, and know that is all there is.
Those that suspect more, but would rather not know.
Those that fell down the rabbit hole and will never get out.
All are correct. All trying not to overlap their planes of existence.
But shit happens sometimes...
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Monday, March 6, 2023
Definitions get changed...
All one. Alone.
The little mind tricks of language.
The details of this post are based on a true story.
Times, dates, locations and names of the character
in question have been changed to protect the innocent
Me- You are shallow.
Other- What do you mean by that.
Me- Not deep.
People.. the blog and website names change
To protect the innocent
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Something about Genius
The ones that are genuine
and noticed by the NOT Genius
are considered deutschbag's
by their peers
because they should quietly help
those that can't see
not demean.
(Blog writer here, telling a different kind of story)
Sorry for the intermittent posting...
... My duties as Head of The Council of Bald People That Look Like Klaus has been quite busy.
It's not Davos, but we are working on a winery and beer tour in Hermann, Missouri.
Klaus is not actually welcome.
You are not all there.
Let me explain this statement.
Some day.
Thursday, March 2, 2023
The best part of waking up early.
The birds are back.
I have to say that
because I'm old
and I can't drink coffee anymore
while I listen to the birds.
I miss coffee.
The birds are back.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
I decided a long time ago that I actually could do anything I set my mind to, so I didn't.
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Bowling Thoughts
To be honest, I only struck a lot when they were easy.
Sometimes, they were easy for a lot of people
Sometimes, they were even easier for someone else
but every once in a while, something magic happened
and they were only easy for me.
That was my favorite lane pattern.
The pattern that was only easy for me.
I named the pattern "Selfish" ,
and in my head
It sounds like Billy Squier's Everybody Wants You
It bounces from player to player, here and there
just showing up, having a good time,
and leaves everybody high and dry
like the cheap whore that it is
but everybody takes Selfish back when it shows up again
Sure, some people want to make great shots
Master of...THE OBVIOUS
The leading cause of death
is lack of oxygen intake
In layman's terms
you die
when you can't breathe anymore.
An exercise...
I would like to propose an exercise for your "brain"
IF that is where thought comes from
Anything you think you know
ask this simple question
How do I know that?
and go down that rabbit hole
How did that person who told me that
How did the person that wrote that
and you will find
to your dismay
or your bewilderment
or your entertainment
that almost everything
is based on taking something as fact
and NOT asking the question
How Do I KNOW that?
How did he/she/they
referring to the author or speaker
KNOW that
This is the gist of my theory of everything
that everything runs on BELIEF
including science
if you take belief out of ANYTHING
it doesn't work.
IF enough people say a machine that works
doesn't work
they will quit using it
and use something else
if enough people think a monetary currency is worthless
it is worthless
stretch a bit
When you see a bumblebee, you know it can fly
but it is not able to, based on our "science" of the past
Does it fly because it thinks it can
or does it fly because we think it can
Science presents explanation as to why things happen
and then the science is taught
How do they KNOW that...
Nothing works if nobody believes it will...because nobody will use it.
By definition, this will never be an accepted theory
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Something to appreciate...
I did dishes while they changed my windshield today. I didn't even have to move the car. It was done in 45 minutes.
It took an hour to do the dishes.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Inn Complete. It's a beautiful place.
Then the voice said
... At the snap of my fingers
you will wake up
and remember everything as it happened
not as you were taught
The battle for enlightenment
may be all for nought
a battle that exists
only to be fought
only for thought
nobody knows more than they believe
They say opportunity
will some day come along
but all my giddy-ups
have got up and gone
and I don't know
where you've been livin'
but I hear there's an amazing place
where my give-a-damns play
with my no-fucks-given.
The Great Divide
There is a constant battle by some people for the right to tell all the other people what to do.
That explains your wars, politics, elections, religion, economics, science, schooling, media...everything.
This is why the most important detail is the one you didn't know.
The information that is left out is what makes information valuable. Without all of the info, it is just some stuff you know.
But it sure feels good to think you know everything...
It feels confident. Settled.
It's almost like, the more in control you feel, the more you are controlled.
The battle these few people have is just who gets to control. There is no benefit to everyone else.
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Just trying to be a better me. It's a day be day, moment to moment process.
Just try to be better than I was.
Accurate portrayal...
There are people in this world that I would be quite offended by if my perfectly pristine shit was destroyed and found smeared on their disgusting shoe.- says the bald Austrian Elitist
Harbingers of What?
When you see something potentially harmless being used as fear porn on all media
you have to wonder who benefits from that
what is happening that you aren't being told about
Look at the points of view you don't want to look at
and look at them carefully.
Sometimes the sight of a balloon can leave you Blinken.
Monday, January 23, 2023
Varying degrees of delaying the inevitable (Life)
The human goal, or the human skillset?
Acceptance vs. Defiance?
Do you try to outrun it
as if birth is the start of a race...
but birth is more like a jail break
and death is the hounds you can't outrun
because they never lose your scent
Run the gauntlet, they say...
No. Smell the roses, the others say...
Try them both, I say.
We all get to where we are going.
It's the only place we can go.
Sunday, January 22, 2023
Is it too late to start my church
And in my church...we will sing the songs of Daniel Johnston....
All data suggests that all data you see or hear is what the presenter of the data wants you to know.
Friday, January 20, 2023
The never ending story...
One person believes in something unsubstantiated, and proceeds to ridicule someone who believes in something else that is unsubstantiated.
Then they go to war against the one who is laughing at them all.
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
We all live alone in our own little world, and we are told this is not so.
Heroes are not who you want them to be.
They just are, or aren't.
Positive outcomes are not always what they appear to be,
negative ones also dance on the edge
depending on point of view.
Universal agreement on anything is unobtainable.
-Reminding you of what should be obvious profound truths-
There comes a time
when worlds collide
when we must choose
when or lose
The paths our lives will follow
But who is WE
Monday, January 16, 2023
do people keep thinking a politician means the weather when they speak of climate change?
The climate definitely changed.
It must suck...
to realize
The Real Thing
wasn't what you thought it would be
what you were told it would be
but it was there
all along
(What is he talking about?)
(I don't know. Ask one of the other comorbidities.)
(He rarely means what you think he does.)
Friday, January 13, 2023
Winds of Change
That's it. From now on, my various writing services will only be available to Asian billionaires and Saudi princes for $500K a whack. Thank you to Canary Cry NewsTalk on The YouTube for the blatant rip off of the business plan.
I am not principled at all. If you are a normal person who actually has $500k for something this important, I promise you, I will consider caving in and taking the money.
Thursday, January 12, 2023
To Mr. Lipson...
If you think "imagining yourself in the future" is consciousness, you have missed by a quantitative lot...
You need to imagine yourself in the past, present, future-as if it were NOW. Because it is.
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
I promised myself I would write this week...
I even know what I would write about...
but, if you haven't noticed
and I doubt most of you did
I write in character
like an actor
who becomes the character he portrays
But not when the real situation at hand
is not suitable
for that character
If that doesn't seem normal to you
it is ok
it just means you aren't very creative
no big deal
very few are
Just letting you know
This is not the time
Monday, January 9, 2023
Take it to Heart...
Friday, January 6, 2023
Top Movie suggestions...
I'm an old guy
who has made it to an age
probably nobody thought I would make it to...
( and I'm not that old, but I've seen some things)
So I felt it was time to start pushing my agenda
and make you youngsters think about the good things
you are definitely not going to get
So, here are some movies and some directors...
and I suggest this as an enjoyable and needed education
as life is about to throw you all some shit-
*John Carpenter. The Thing. They Live.
You will live a fuller life if you watch his entire body of work.
You better want to want to live a fuller life, though.
Don't discount even one of his works. Every one has amazing things to add.
*Stanley Kubrick. Ditto. Watch them all. Your life will be better for it, if that is what you want.
* Papillon. 1973.
* Wonder Boys
*Blues Brothers
*Being There This one always hit close to home for me.
*Charlie and the Chocolate Factory & its unofficial sequel, Snowpiercer. The movie, not the show.
*Dog Soldiers
* MidSommar
* Tremors
* Groundhog Day
*Animal House
*Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The Donald Sutherland version.
* Citizen Kane.
* The Star Chamber
* Manchurian Candidate
# Alice and Wonderland...any version.
Good day. This list will get you started.
Monday, January 2, 2023
Nature calls, simply.
I'm in bed.
Can't sleep.
It's pouring rain
And it is noticeably loud, in a mesmerizing way.
I have no real reason to sleep
At the moment
So I will just enjoy
The peaceful rain.
Of course
The trash truck wakes me at 4 am
Sunday, January 1, 2023
At my end...
With social media.
You would think, with a diverse group of friends and followers, you could get some help on an issue here and there. It used to be so.
Not really.
Welcome, 2023.
Bring on the mockery, hatred and misunderstanding.
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The sweet spot
There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated. It's perfect.
Last night, I pulled out a Wisdom tooth. Nobody ever thought I made a good decision. What chance do I have now? I feel a little lost tod...
GO OUTSIDE. Breathe Fresh Air. Buy Nothing From Anyone. Enjoy a real day. Not sure if this public service message is for you , or for m...
Surgery postponed due to hopefully minor infection. We are both happy with that decision. (Deep Breath.)