Wednesday, September 4, 2013

All Terrain Bowling (ATB)

Good Evening  viewers and fellow bowlers.  How the heck are ya?  (editors note...this line has been changed due to it's not so vague innuendo)

You read correctly.  I was by myself enjoying a game of All Terrain Bowling.    You can do it yourself , or with friends. It does not replace normal bowling, it enhances it.  Read up...There has always been a form of bowling. The game has been played for most of mankind's history, and played outside.

You can find yourself a stretch of land and make your own course, maybe even buy an old set of pins from a center.  Pins are not required.  You can find a hole somewhere the ball has to go. This game is played with the land in front of you, and your own imagination.    Pick a place the ball has to get to, and pick a course it has to stay on.  It does not have to be flat. You can smoke or not smoke depending, as always , on where you are playing.    Keep other peoples safety in mind when picking a site.  You can do this in the mountains , but it is up to you to realize how fast that ball is coming down the hill and where you and the ball will end up.

I use it as a game to play while hiking.   Remember this while hiking in the wilderness . Beef jerky may not frighten a sasquatch,  but a bowling ball to the  head will stop  almost anything.

Everything is a natural born enemy to a bowling ball.

All Terrain videos on the way.        It is fun, it is inventive and it is challenging.  No lane condition issues.  Nature does not care if you use your left hand, your right hand, both hands or a ramp. All Terrain Bowling uses your own imagination, the lay of the land, and the weather conditions. Decide whether you count strokes or time to get the ball to the proper point.

Pick the weight of the ball carefully.  Throwing a heavier bowling ball long distance may be detrimental to your shoulder.  I recommend using a lighter ball for the drive. Maybe even those hollow shell balls like they use to teach bowling in gym class. This is for the safety of others as well.  Use a heavier ball for the putting surface if pins are involved.   This all depends on your course, obviously. Some are going to opt for much more demanding terrain, some will prefer flatter land with short grass.  

I have a pretty good imagination for where this will go and the problems it could face from some.  I ask for people to use an open mind.  Do your research,  There may not be anyone that has driven farther for less or more often to bowl 10 pin bowling tournaments than me.   I love the game and I may not be a top professional, but I am of reasonable talent and accomplishment.

Be careful. Your choice to play this game is your own. I, Mark Burkenbine, am not responsible for your choice to play this game, your safety, health  or how you play it.  You make your own decisions.  Play safe, play within the law, and enjoy a new challenge.    

Have a good evening.  Try something a little different for dinner or something.   Get out of the box.

youtube   All Terrain bowling   , or Mark Burkenbine video channel.  Sorry those embedded videos do not always show up on phones.

Thank you for your time

--Mark Burkenbine

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