Sunday, September 1, 2013

I have tried to challenge myself to get 5000 coherent, creative and compelling words in order, in the space of seven hours. I fell short by 1300 ish..  This is my attempt to get something turned in to a publisher by tomorrow and await the cruel judgement. If it is a yes , I then wait for the cruel judgement of the public.   I think my hand hurts worse now than bowling the old 24 game hustler tournament. Finger is blistered from the pen.  Who'd u thunk? I will pick up again tomorrow and write and type till only the bloody stumps of my swollen meat hook remain.  

 I may be the only person on the planet that sucks at quitting and winning.

Hope all the kids ( there is a small herd) had a good day and I wish them a good night.

social media ish post almost over.

Today I ate a few hot dogs,  had a soda, and some popcorn. Then I contemplated the basic fundamental irony of life and death.   We are dying from the moment we are born.

Ain't that a bowl of butterfly chuckles?

Blog To Win !

--Mark Burkenbine

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.