Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Friends, relatives, neighbors, loyal readers, debt collectors and potential employers. Good Evening.

We, ( meaning I) are celebrating wildly ( I ate dinner )  over the success and survival of All Things Burkenbine.  Tonight is our one month anniversary since its creation. 

Let me pause and collect myself. ( it is a special moment and I feel one should always have to say that if it is special).

One month ago today , I took a project from the lower intestine of my brain and moved it into this BLOG, this internet.   

Over the last thirty days or so, I have let go of all my earthly possessions and reservations( broke and losing them) . My worries and corruptions are no more.   I have gone through a purification process, a mental enema unlike I had ever thought was possible.  Aye, that I had ever dreamed. 

Just letting ones creative energy go does wonders.  I wholeheartedly suggest it to anyone as a form of therapy. And it is cheap.    Anyone can do these things called BLOG as long as they meet the stringent qualifications and can get through the hazing.

The hazing was easy for me.  I have been picked on my entire life, and let's face it, I am good at it.  I have just decided to make it easier for everyone else to give me crap, and hopefully I can become a professional at it and make some money.     

Seriously, life gets much easier if you really don't give a rats  'behind'  ( I think one of the blog readers censors) what anyone else thinks of you.   

The BLOG  has four thousand plus hits in the first 30 days.  I do not know if that is good or bad.  I have a couple possible jobs coming from it, but until those pan out, they are wishful thinking.  I have finished the dry run of a few manuscripts, wouldn't call them books just yet.  I've learned many a thing about the start to finish process of  the bringing to market of a product. 

So far it is all good.  Over the next month focus shifts to moving along the actual projects, while finding a way to  fund them and survive while producing them.

Thank you for your support.  

Mark Burkenbine

In Blog We Trust

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.