Thursday, September 5, 2013

Eh.....a look into mine.  Today I am opening up the portal into my little world.  It may or not be interesting to you, hell, it may be financial suicide for me.  Wait....I just remembered. I am broke. What is there to lose?   Besides, it is only a tragedy if it fails, right? Wrong. It is only a tragedy if someone dies not giving their best shot.  I have never given my best shot to anything, and I would kind of like to put that into practice before  I die or something.   A mans kids have the right to know their dad may be an idiot, but he fought for what he believed in.

What do you believe in?    Honesty, and a good story  are what I believe in.

If you look on the page links to the right of your screen you will see  MANY new blogs that will be set up over the course of the month.

The All Things Burkenbine , (Mark Burkenbine) blog is the portal to this reality/fantasy blogging network.     I guess that  makes me the central character.  Nowhere to hide. I let life ride me for a little to long, and this is my attempt to ride life.

-The goal is to  get out of debt, and gain financial freedom as best and quickly as possible.
-Marry Amy  and have enough money to make sure I can care for her well , without government assistance. .
-Start an organization to help other people use their own skills and tools to get out of whatever hole they may be in.
of course, have something to leave for the kids
....all while being myself.

I am not good at being someone else.

Lofty expectations, but hey....Why the heck not?    Seriously, what can one lose?

Thanks for your time---Mark Burkenbine

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.