Sunday, September 1, 2013

I'd Spit in the Face of Adversity, but....... in some states that is Battery. I don't have the time or the money for that anymore.
Oh , and it is the wrong thing to do.     So , I will try to smooth things over with adversity. Maybe some whine and dine....beg for forgiveness.

Ever turn in your writing  to a large book publisher ( Think of a Woman dressed in red, white and blue who flew  an invisible plane, AMAZIN!)  and realize you are behind on a monthly payment to the same company.

That is correct. I want to be a published and paid writer so bad, I have fallen behind on a payment to that very publisher.

Chicken. Egg.    Kettle meet Pot.


I hope you have been amused by my uncomfortable circumstances.   That is what I believe I am here for.   :)

This has been a drunken posting violation.  I will probably be arrested, the papparazzi will find me.  The headlines will read Bowling Gnome cited for aggravated font.   Breathalyzer court ordered to be installed on keyboard.

Actually , I am pretty sure I am waaaay more off the reservation sober.

I may have to resort to trying to make video content.  ARGH!

Have a good and safe Labor Day!

--Mark Burkenbine

Born to BLOG!    Since I was a child I dreamed of being an unpaid content provider for the Internet Blog  Plantation Owner.  It has been an honor. :)

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.