Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This blogging thing , for me, is only a small part of what I am trying to do.  As a friend pointed out to me, talk is cheap.( I was looking to present a side project to fund the main one and pay my bills) But I am creating something, win lose or draw and I am willing to lose everything for it.  I will do this from a cardboard box if need be.

Some people paint.   I am painting on a canvas that only I can see at the moment.       Some do woodwork.   I failed my first shop project miserably.  I am sure my shop teacher lost a bet in the teachers pool when I left with all my fingers.

 This is a major building project  that is going one tiny piece at a time. One does what one can afford to do.  The physical manifestation of the whole will take place as the parts are assembled over the next year. Bear with me.   To my friends and acquaintances that think I am a nutball, ( I probably am, but)  I ask you to enjoy the show.   If I flame out, laugh at it.  If I succeed, I get what I need out of it and hopefully you will still laugh ,cry or whatever emotion you need to get from it.

Financially the money will be there eventually.  The winning will be seeing the project completed, not the financial totals.    Don't get me wrong, I want to be wealthy.  I kinda need to be.

Take care and have some faith. It can do wonders for you.

It really isn't all about me.

--Mark Burkenbine

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.