as several hang around
waiting with baited breath
to see if I will do
what they think I could really do
---Me, knowing what I can do,
but gots real issues to deal with
It's nice to have a place to just type stupid shit.
A Silent Radio Show created by Mark Burkenbine. Warning: Author suffers from occasional bouts of mental & financially crippling honesty. Dress appropriately & wear the old boots when strolling through this pasture. Copyright Mark Burkenbine 2013-2014-2015-2016-2017,2018.2019,2020,2021, 2022,2023,2024(occasional shared youtube video.I hold no rights unless I created it.) An attempt at the surreal edge of fiction, reality, truth, lies, quality & bullshit. Imagine music playing
as several hang around
waiting with baited breath
to see if I will do
what they think I could really do
---Me, knowing what I can do,
but gots real issues to deal with
It's nice to have a place to just type stupid shit.
At my best, I'd hope someone thinks of me as a hack philosopher & an amateurish theologian. Poet-lite with a poet-ish life. A decent lyricist, maybe. Maybe even a first grade truther. Occasionally funny?
We all know I am just me.
It's weird how that works.
Believing. That is what the song said.
Worse yet..
Don't stop ...moving.
Don't Stop Moving.
You old folks know what I'm talking about.
Age doesn't matter.
You would not BELIEVE how fast it can go sideways if you stop moving.
You really do have to fight (bad comedy implied)
for your right...
We can't get high enough to see the big picture because we can't get outside the box.
Seek the other vantage point.
You realize the ability to say stupid shit on the internet is the thing that keeps the powder keg from exploding, don't you?
Just spent an hour, for the thousandth time, explaining to my wife why Norm and Gilbert are the greatest comedians of our time.
To Aristotle,
Not a lot of "entertaining of ideas but not accepting them" going on out there.
From The Future
Scientists believe they can make a wormhole to send a message to the past or future.
Writers and artists figured this out ages ago.
Today, I start my campaign against influence.
Our motto is "I have no opinion".
Repeat after me.
Please join us in the fight against this societal cancer.
Repeat after me.
Remember those?
It's easy to think that times are tough when they are tough for you.
Maybe nothing has changed?
I'm sure in these brutal current times there are people crushing life and having a blast.
Maybe NOW is always hardest for someone.
Maybe Yesterday always sucked for a lot of people.
Maybe Tomorrow has to be worse for you to realize today is not so bad.
Maybe you need to put a mirror on Life.
Look at Life backwards and try to find something good in the Now.
Maybe I write this for myself.
I can't help but think that one day it will be my turn to run this space.
I miss having a dishwasher.
We have dual, very small sinks.
but apparently, I am left handed. My wife is right.
I wash dirty plates in one sink, my wife just washes plates. ( A very right handed maneuver.)
My Wife Is Right.
I have a sink that is always clean.
Now there are two greasy sinks.
The stench of incremental change is palpable lately.
When everything is appearing to be moving too fast,
exponential- by your perceptions...
Pay close attention to things that don't appear to be changing, but are.
Little manipulations to foundations.
Important things.
Those slow changes are designed to be permanent.
It's almost like those ridiculously noticeable things are supposed to be the shiny objects you keep your eyes on, while the magician plays the trick.
I know this is obvious to some.
I am at a point in this life/death thing that my give-a-damns have a good relationship with my no-fucks-given.
Are you sure you know whose side you are on? I mean, whose side your side is on.
I love how much louder
movement is
when it is cold.
The monsters
can't sneak up on you
when you know
that horrible noise
is a single leaf
blowing across the concrete
a block away.
It's been years since I've relaxed. I think I just fell asleep talking to the grandkids. Amy saw a special on a chair and it delivered today. I fell asleep out of pure relaxation. I'm ashamed of the situation, but apparently, I needed to sleep.
It's a cheap chair, but a huge upgrade. Thankful for moments...
I just put on the sunglasses from They Live and it says on all the screens "If you would stop struggling, you may enjoy it."
Every part of your body has a limited time of use. Just like a car part, or your computer, or any other appliance. You can only take so many steps. You can only take so many breaths. You can only say, or type so many words. You can only... and you are going to waste some, and you are going to get the most out of some.
That is a life.God-spell just means "good story".
If you cannot tell, I have been merging the other blogs together.
Mostly, Contains Live Active Cultures is taking over A Silent Radio Show.
I tried to keep it separate, but with all the tech developments in the world now,
everything is blending.
It was all very life-similar anyway.
We were all perfect when we got here.
Then the forced assimilation process begins.
The perfection is chipped away from the start
and the program gnaws at you 'til the end.
But it doesn't matter where we are sent.
It is all the same, just different.
You know that phrase "think outside the box"?
Can you get your mind far enough over what you are looking at
to actually get out of the box, or are you just in a slightly different
or bigger box?
The trick appears to go farther inside a box, inside the mind, inside the self,
to simulate freedom.
But it is still just a simulation, and still just part of assimilation.
Going farther inside the self with big thoughts is still a failed escape plan, a method
to embrace your captivity- for your own sanity.
But there is no sanity.
If you meet anyone on this planet that seems sane, you don't know them well enough
and they just hide their tell well.
People protect their badges of honor in this system. That generates a lot of energy.
What if I told you that everyone is right about everything, including me? All your religions, political views, science, health, economics...everything is correct.
Belief. It's ALL belief. You have to have lots of it, because if you look at anything objectively, you realize it is ALL subjective.
(Math adds up because enough people believe it. There is no fact unsafe in this hypothesis.Everything we know is right to us, and bullshit to someone else. No right. No wrong.)
Life is the machine and it runs on the energy of belief. Belief makes the wheels go round.
It takes all kinds to generate that much friction, that much energy. Contradiction, Yin &Yang.
There is only a small hope for a momentary respite. Then the war continues.
Watch how some very successful people navigate this mine field. They seem to step out of the way of trouble just before it gets on them, or are impervious to the systems rules. Perhaps they see the system differently than we are all taught.
It's not the money. People that determine what the currency is do not need money. (Not that anyone ever sees those people. If you see a powerful persons face in the media, they have a boss you do not see.)
This whole thing is about something else. Of course, it is a control system, but if this isn't about money...then this goes even farther off the rails, doesn't it?
There are things coming in the tech world that will make you question your sanity, but you shouldn't.
You never had any. You were just taught to believe everything some expert taught you or your parents, and it is all crap. Belief in the system.
The moment you see the machine, it weakens the belief that runs it. When it senses that, it ramps up things that need questioned. Exponentially. It is already out of control of those that thought they could manage it.
We were perfect when we entered this place.
Life is a series of events designed to distract you from your hypothesis of what life is.
It is very good at it.
Props to all the youtube food critics that kept their channel alive during lock down during The Pandemic by doing reviews of sketchy, mass produced junk food from their "grocer".
They went through the wars with you, for you.
The posting of all this bullshit.
You should see the other blog...
When I decided to become a fictional caricature of myself, I should have chosen a more famous me.
but I am not a member of any cult that I know of.
I know a lot of people who are, but don't know it, though.
A flood is not always water.
Watch out for metaphors in historical text.
Interpretations are often subjective and sometimes purposely misleading.
Questions make this whole realm of Everything go around.
Answers mean nothing more than a means to birth more questions.
Any answer can be truthful at the moment it was said, or anytime in the past, or the future.
It can also be wrong/untruthful at any given time.
Adding that up = All answers are actually questions in disguise.
It Takes All Kinds to make an Everything.
Trying to control a place of belief, that is inhabited by a living language that found a way to propagate its way to immortality by the use of questions... is futile. But some try, by offering "answers" where none exist.
Control freaks are an unfortunate but necessary part of the ecosystem of the Everything we live in. Everything is a necessary part of the ecosystem.
Fools are those that seek answers as a be all and end all to unsolvable issues. There is no solution. There are only more questions. Everything is constantly changing because it is literally a living question.
As always
To Be Continued- The art of continuing something that has no beginning and no end, but it may just stop. (it's very lifelike.)
I began my education in 1968, and it will end when I do.
Nobody wants to crush your Hope.
Hope keeps you right where you are.
Crushing Ambition is where the money is.
You think
I am weak.
That is a bold move
for someone that does not know
what strength is.
Strength is a curse.
If you do not understand it,
it will find you.
No Good Strong Man
wishes it on another.
It is the duty of the strong
to protect those that aren't.
All the strong good men
want the others
to just live a good, calm, happy life.
Strength has a price...
You see, writing on the internet
has a way of leading people on.
They can't tell
what is what
It has no boundaries
like normal stories
I have even avoided punctuation
Readers identify
readers don't identify
or they don't even read.
It takes quite a leap
to grasp what I do
on my part, as well as yours
but I do understand a few things
and I get it completely
that my reader
may not get what i am doing
and I honestly
do not give a damn.
It does however
boggle my mind
when people spend time
to watch or listen to something
that they don't like
and then complain about it.
You can shut it off, you know.
You can change a channel.
There is a LOT of content out there.
Read a book?
Bitch about that for awhile.
Maybe you will feel better about yourself.
Maybe you will try to connect a few syllables
and communicate at a higher level
If you think I am strong
you are wrong
about that too
Been telling people for 10+ years, the internet is being used to train the "Artificial Intelligence."
Contrarian means High Functioning Troll.
High Functioning Troll behavior means you may not understand how you have been, or are being, slighted.
Examples exist every time you look at social media, any news program, or observe everything around you.
Many times, the Higher Functioning Trolls are just trying to help you see a bigger picture, but it often involves being "butt hurt." Most people won't willingly put themselves through that. Some learn to relax and enjoy it. The learning, I mean.
Next, we take a glimpse at 5D chess, often played by High Functioning Trolls.
"We fed the machine" should be an epitaph used en masse.
A clue as to what happened.
Manifestations. No Where is a place. When you pull things out of No Where and put them Here, maybe you turn Here into No Where.
Spent a few days with a few of the Grand kids. Actually watched my son bowl for awhile. Saw a few old acquaintances that I will most likely never see again.
Also remembered exactly why the fact that I can't bowl anymore is a good thing.
Everybody gets to where they are going.
Everybody goes as far as they can.
I am on a road less traveled.
My only hope?
Surgery postponed due to hopefully minor infection. We are both happy with that decision.
(Deep Breath.)
There are precious few actual facts, but a large number of people who think they are plentiful.
Have you ever wondered if the actual NPC's are the free thinkers, and the regular people, who we call the NPC's, are just really like that?
Five thousand years in the future, the inhabitants of this planet will find ancient buried ruins of our civilization.
Old buildings, artwork, bones, machines.
The Government will cover it up completely as they acquire the artifacts.
Citizens will slowly tell their stories of what they found.
There will be deniers, of course.
There could not have been inhabitants here before us.
We Are The First. Government Said So.
After the cat is out of the bag,
we will eventually be officially declared as having existed.
Then The Government will say we happened 500 MILLION years ago,
and were very primitive.
They put air in tires, for Gov's sake, and apparently thought this realm was flat.
We all know it is only flat when you are reading about it.
The story is every dimension imaginable.
Isn't language amazing?
The author takes a break from his story to have some lunch and do some dishes. He types this into the story to think of a way to explain his point.
He then decides it may not be possible to explain that concepts are more real than what we think is real.
Few people seem to have the patience to entertain big concepts. They don't have to be believed.
If time is just a series of frames, each one is a now. Your mind remembers those frames, and can change them.
Do you have an inner dialogue? Conversations with yourself to decide a course of action? Who do you think you are being influenced by? It is future you. That guy is editing his past now to change his current now.
Have you ever read about those smart math guys that say everything breaks down into numbers? Everything. All the everything And all the nothing.
If it is all code, then language is like a magic template for converting words to ??? (Searching for the right way to say it.)
To be continued...
The other day, talking about big box stores-
Lady: There is always only two cashiers.
Me: Easy to get in. Harder to get out.
Lady: Why?
Me: Because the customers complain but keep showing up.
Also Me: It's very life like.
(Everything is attachment and control.)
This is about plans. Success is individualistic. There are those that play a very long game on a very large playing field. To those playing a short, almost immediately satisfying, result oriented contest, you may think you are winning, or even TOLD you are winning. You may think you won the war but don't even realize what you lost.
Court vision. Talent stack. Scoring rubric. Game plan. / gibberish?
Woke up today
much like everyday
One of these days
We are all going to be gathered
Around our barrel fires
While we are picked off
One by one
By the mutated monsters
Created by viruses and nuclear war
And we are going to remember
How great it was
To type stupid shit on the internet
Whenever we wanted.
Yeah. I already miss it.
This was supposed to be a much longer title. I was just saying, I will probably not be blogging much. Take care. This month or so is about family.
I have left you the bread crumbs
so you know
who inspired me,
and who I followed.
It may take you a lifetime
and you still may not know
...for sure
Good fortune
and all my love
be with you.
I have never sought
the easy path
I care about my missteps
There is always a price to pay
When your path has been chosen for you
and you go
off road,
so to speak.
I know
this is not
perfect "english".
BooGAAAhhh. ( I loved wkrp in Cincinatti) .
Oh FUDGE PUCKETS! It's hospital season again!
Normal stuff. Wife needs a new spinal catheter from her baclofen pump. Just hope for the best, and no infections, and it will be fine.
If you have never experienced watching a loved one make multiple tech support calls in an afternoon, don't do what I did. Make the popcorn first.
A lot of people do impersonations. Most of them bad. Even more say they don't do impersonations.
But when they write, the words often take a tone, and possess mannerisms. If you listen as you read, you can often hear a great impersonation.
Once upon a time,
in a beautiful place of sunshine and happiness
that was full of smiling, kind and helpful folks,
a grizzled wizard appeared out of nowhere.
He told the people they have a problem.
There is a monster coming. You can't stop it.
The smiling, kind and helpful folks gasped.
The Grizzled Wizard told them he can help,
but even the formerly smiling folks knew
this was going to cost them everything.
They paid The Grizzled Wizards shakedown price,
then he told them the solution.
"This monster thinks you folks taste like chicken.
I can cast a spell that will make half of you invisible.
Make your choice. Pick your side."
With fee collected and spell cast, The Grizzled Wizard bid the formerly smiling and now not so happy, helpful, or kind folks-"adieu". He traveled on to his next destination.
The Monster immediately appeared and ate all the invisible folks like popcorn chicken. You see, the visible folks did taste like chicken, but The Monster doesn't like plain chicken. The Grizzled Wizard did make half the people invisible, but they smelled and tasted like BBQ chicken.
BBQ chicken is The Monsters favorite meal in the entire realm. He can follow that smell anywhere.
Were The Monster and the Grizzled Wizard working together? Or, did the Grizzled Wizard figure out a way to save half the people?
The thought of taking Silent Radio Show on tour just gives me goosebumps.
Giddy with a touch of nerves.
Am I ready?
So much to do, so little time.
This is a joke.
Nobody will pay for me to do dishes and fold clothes
while we all silently read my blog.
Not true.
They may pay once and get very upset.
That is where I will get my enjoyment.
Not sure the cell phone generation is patient enough
for my idea of performance art
or share my enjoyment of watching paint dry, as the color fades,
and it chips off.
As a human...
I discuss this with only the hope of helping someone
make a decision
for the better.
For years
I have had tooth
and gum issues.
A minute after brushing my teeth
I could eat and drink anything
with no change in what it was supposed to taste like
since I was about 13.
All my relatives smoked or chewed
I think
but I had an Aunt that died
because her teeth went bad
and it turned to cancer
at least that is how it was explained
as I remember it
when I was young
( It was a closed casket)
I didn't smoke or chew
(but I was around it my WHOLE life)
never did it
never did any narcotic
Anyway, teeth and gums are in quite the disarray
very painful, sometimes
apparently, many are all to be removed
because the same infection destroying the teeth
also destroys the heart (?)
and I, unfortunately, am looking at an aortic aneurysm
an aortic root, and aortic valve replacement ( born with bicuspid valve?) , repair
or whatever,
many or all of my teeth removed by executive order,
oh....and a pacemaker
because, they find, the heart doesn't respond well
after they chop it off and replace it with....
Anyway...I carried forward the pain and incredible expense of my horrible teeth
by chewing garlic ( a painful but effective and powerful antibiotic that I have dared others to try) and cashews( same story, different reason),
It worked well for decades
But in the end...
I still wouldn't have paid a dentist the extortion rates they were charging in the 90s. (tens of thousands)
Fuck experts. Don't pay for their shingle. Die with some dignity.
When Professor X puts on the helmet for Cerebro...
you realise ( chose the spelling for a reason)
that is what happens
when you get on a computer these days
You are hooking into IT ( Cerebro)
and there is an AI ( don't get me started)
That is hooking
into you
Screw it around
Social media is a great equalizer. Wealth and status, education is all irrelevant. If you are on social media, you are just as unstable as the next guy. You are displaying your "tell", your particular mental quirk, to the whole world. That is an endearing quality for common ground.
People get pissy when their badges of superiority are threatened. We all have them.
I know the world is falling apart, but nobody seems to understand that Sam's Club no longer seems to carry the tires I have been buying for YEARS. This will cost ME greatly. ( Greatly on my scale, not yours.)
"Happily failed writer not looking for clout but also not jealous of my ridiculously successful peers " shirts will soon be available on my merch page. Kidding. I don't have merch.
Went to pick up a fan to move it to another room and bumped the back of my head on it before it was unplugged. I instinctively jerked my head in fear of catching my hair in the blade. My wife just says " that was close. It almost sucked your eye brow over the top of your head." ( I haven't had hair for 25 years.)
Stardate 08/11/2022
Air conditioning has been off, and windows open, for approximately sixteen hours. We made it through the night with fans and the temperature eventually got down to 59 degrees Fahrenheit, albeit with 100 percent humidity. Once you stepped out of the fan, it was just a cool swim to the bathroom.
Tempers flared in late afternoon, as the mid 80s started to do what the mid 80s do to the brain. One starts to get sleeeepy, after having the A/C on for most of the last 9 weeks or so and going back to being slaves to the weather like neanderthals.
We are struggling to not turn on that A/C. The evening will be sticky, but a cool reprieve. That 25% raise plus ten dollars , following last years raise of 13%, sure feels like twice as much as it used to be for the comforts of heat and air.
One day soon, we will be human again.
I miss coffee
Spent a few hours of the afternoon on a video call trying to get my Grandkids to plant an egg in the ground to grow a chicken tree. I asked them to video it...but no such luck.
I told them if they plant the whole carton, one day they'd have a chicken orchard. They humored me with one.
I told them they'd have a tree in 6 months with chickens to pick, and my daughter reminded me that's February. I said she had no experience with chicken trees and who am I to question nature.
They even put rocks around it so nobody would step on it...and drew an arrow with chalk and explained the situation.
Kids are great. I don't think any of them believe in chicken trees, but they still enjoyed the silliness and humoured an old man that loves them.
That is the definition of priceless.
I have to be honest.
I needed that.
Love those kids.
Working on my second day in a row without taking a nap.
Yesterday was brutal at times, but I made it.
I'm still not sure it was worth the effort.
Ed. Note- Made it three days without a nap. Did more this week than I have in a few years. In the end, the only thing I have gained is a nagging case of exhaustion. That shit will kill you.
Next year, I will have completed ten years of the writing and aggregating of content on the various blogs and social media. I believe it would take someone more than ten years to read. 9 years in, I am calling it Mission Accomplished.
My favorite part of disgusting human nature is when someones rebuttal to another persons claim is "You're crazy", instead of " I think you are wrong, and here is why".
Of course, they do this because it works on the lazy brains of the majority.Every day, I walk 10,000 steps.
The world sees a fat man struggling to continue,
but fighting for success.
Little do they know,
that every day on step ten thousand and one,
I die and become the avenging angel of the chips and spirits aisle,
only to wake up the next morning like it is Groundhog Day,
ready to walk,
like nothing happened the last time.
I try to walk as many as 10k,
I walk 3300 everyday,
most days I walk 6600,
some days I make it to 9900,
plus the extras of regular life...
and I revert back to making myself do 3300 the next day,
because it hurts, inflammation is up.
In my situation, Inflammation is a major issue.
Still working into it.
Not sure if I am trying to keep moving
or just trying to keep trying.
All of it is improvement. For what, and how long, I don't know.
Ain't that the same for everybody, though?
It has been implied to me, that my teeth should last a lifetime
and I said, maybe my teeth know something you don't.
There are some funny interpretations of Life being passed around.
All I know is, I have lived a full one. ( This is a deciding factor, to me.)
A lot of the parts need replaced.
I'm just not sure if I am all for the extended warranty.
Not sure what that adds to quality, or does it just make you a lifelong patient.
Not sure I want cared for when I am helpless, because I was "saved" by some supposed medical miracle.
All I know is, someone gets a check for keeping me alive, and I become someone else's burden.
I'm not giving up on it. This natural life thing.
It will end when it ends.
For Goodness sake...lighten the hell up.
I'm smiling. I suggest you do it to.
Life is not all good times. You have to appreciate wallowing in THE SHIT to truly understand happiness and the sum total of your life.
(or they will make you take this grade over again)
I've never had a scale that didn't have a spider living in it.
Good night, internet and whatever all this is.
I start every day by explaining to myself that I know Nothing.
We go way back.
It's been a good working relationship
and that's something
When historians ponder of when the tide turned, the moment that humanity was doomed...many will think it was when Sam's or Costco raised the price of the hot dog combo. In reality, it was when Casey's started charging for air.
I have noticed a loss of empathy, humanity, in several "professional" fields over the last 50ish years.
One major one stands out in my mind.
Many customers seem to think it is ok.
You do realize the young professional only knows what they are taught, right?
They think this is all the way it is supposed to be done.
That they are superior to the models before them.
They have been trained to be replaced by a computer app.
We have been trained to accept less and less humanity as a standard working relationship on all levels, and to do as we are told by a computer.
Most of them do not even see it coming. They, being our best and brightest at memorizing things but the same ones that cannot and will not trouble shoot, because they learn nothing from an experience that wasn't in the instruction manual.
They are marked for extinction since they chose the occupation, and it will be quite a shock to most.
Domo Arigoto, Mister Roboto.
- Like minded individuals.
Also see
-the myth of
the like minded individual
- group think is just asking for an egregore ( This word and its meaning just keep showing up everywhere)
YOU are stronger as an individual.
Not telling anyone what to do, but if you join a group, you strengthen the group while weakening yourself.
Sometimes that's good. A lot of times, it's bad.
Think long term.
Post to be added ...
Currently, enjoying that soon to be American delicacy, Third Meal.
Trying to do great things is admirable, but great isn't static. It doesn't sit still. It should not.
Cotton Candy is great, when you are five.
So, do the concepts exist and make themselves known, or do we make everything up?
Love, Hate, Numbers, Time, etc? Once a concept is believed in, has it then always existed with all the other conflicting concepts? This would make many truths, and facts elusive. #SundayA dark comedy could look like a dramatic tragedy to the performer, and still be funny to the audience.
In life, we often get confused when we suddenly stumble upon center stage, and it's not funny anymore.
Somewhere out there, this is all hilarious to the non participants.
It's about preoccupation, isn't it?
Your needs and wants, decisions about those...
Do we think about the things we do automatically?
Breathing. Moving about in routine. Swallowing.
Dishes to be cleaned
Food to be gathered
Fitting in with the social structures
preoccupation with decisions
Don't stop and think about how things really work
that's for smarter people, the smart people say
Very few facts, so much hypothesis
Follow the beliefs put in front of you
for your own good, they say
We all see the same things, many argue.
Do we?
I have a serious question
What does nothing look like?
There is an art to being a lonely curmudgeon, or the crazy old recluse who lives in the forest.
Lots of bridges to burn before you realize it.
It's a state of mind.
If you do things correctly, you can be left alone even in a crowded room.
Just say things like " I like several people that don't like me at all."
Maybe it's time for each man to look into the "becoming an island unto himself" thing...
"It worked for me"
-unknown blogger and social media connoisseur
The wheels of the machine churn
an opinion here,
a law there...
and the herd is moved to and fro
the layers of consequence
good to some, bad to others
have all been considered
and they go far deeper
and darker
than the sensibilities of most
will allow them to consider
The Machine is awe inspiring
when it isn't sickening
Some would mistakenly call it
The Machine is
Is it
The rules of Court Jester-ship are simple.
If you speak too much to certain truths,
you have to then speak gibberish and make childish remarks
to ensure you don't develop too much credibility, and
draw the ire of The King.
Voodoo dolls.
There must be several in operation at once.
I had it coming.
Woke up today with waaaayyyy too much energy.
Restless, talkative me is not my best me.
Took years of bad experiences to catch on to that.
This could easily turn into a stream of consciousness post.
We could discuss the rampant Hermeticism that goes on the world.
It hides under the terms ACCEPTED WISDOM, and SOCIAL ENGINEERING.
If enough people believe something is true, it becomes "true".
You are bombarded by it everywhere.
Radio, TV, Movies, Computer screens, Billboards, newspapers, magazines, books, classrooms, etc...then it becomes gossip, and circulates until it is culturally accepted as fact.
Many different agendas manipulate science, education, politics,religion, music and entertainment so much, I doubt there is any original thought out there. We only know what was planted in our heads. Our parents only knew what was planted in theirs. Everyone thinks they are right, and the other guy is wrong.
I propose we are all wrong, by design.
I would call this the end of the discussion, but I think I missed the point.
Some would call this use of media and such as lobbying to get what you want by changing laws by changing peoples minds.
It's so much more than that.
To be continued on the next episode of Conspiracy Theatre.
Decisions, decisions.
Things are slightly better, timewise, than I expected -but not what many would want to hear.
I have an order of procedures that need to be done, just to get to what needs done, which isn't a cakewalk or guarantee of any kind.
None of these things are things I want to do.
Like I said. Decisions.
I briefly posted an update on my activity that turned into a very human, very bitter mess.
Let me try this again.
Currently, we are watching Big Trouble in Little China and eating what I hope isn't my last steak- with onions, portobellos, asparagus and potato. Excellent meal, with my wife, on a breezy mid 70 Saturday afternoon with the windows open and the fan on.
Been a long travel week of 4 doctor appointments.
Heart surgeon Tuesday to get his opinion on my odds of surviving the surgery. Then I have my decisions.
And this is why I took most of the month off blogging and social media.
I love John Carpenter movies.
An update for some. Drama for others. Just facts, to me. I quit being scared of dying a looong time ago.
People often confuse what I say, with what they think about me.
Saw some things
Did some things
Failed often
now and then
Chased emotion
when I was young
Twas hell Twas fun
but you keep going back
to START again
Chased knowledge
down a hole
where everything made sense
everyone was right
Makes me wonder
If I paid my toll
Do I have to walk towards that light
isn't that just START again
What is it I am trying to say
Maybe the only way to win
is to not play
to just walk away
that are puzzles
are simply traps
Serious intellectual professionals seem to despise humor that they think is beneath, or about, them.
Poor bastards.
Woke up around 3 am. Skin feels like it is eating me. Psoriasis is back, everywhere. Probably another reaction to another medication that was supposed to help me.
I hope it is just psoriasis.
I paced for 30 minutes. Tried washing my legs, twice. Watched some youtube.
Actually, watched some of my own bowling videos. It is like watching step-by-step heart failure/arthritis as I turn into a ball of inflammation and water retention goo.
I want to go back to bed, but I heard the birds chirping. I love this time of morning, and this time of morning likes me. It's a time to think clearly, and that is not nuthin'.
What percentage of nails knowing they are about to be hit by a hammer does it take to change the outcome?
There is Life where this is naught, even if there is not.
I'll add to this whenever the heck I feel like it.
Trying to decide on saying the most with little, or saying little with the most.
I've made a lot of mistakes.
They will be over-written later.
Ah. The life of the contrarian.
I just want to hear a better argument than "because".
I used to do that, also.
Now I try to ask the questions that draw a bigger picture.
Solutions that don't account for known or foreseeable issues are worthless.
We should all be able to do that by 18. I'm a little behind.
Anyhoo...I don't contest something just to contest. I need to see all sides so I can understand why a decision is made.
I'm selfish like that.
My next goal is to decrease my horizons and go into my old age truly not giving a shit about much of anything.
I think I could be one of the greats at that.
Let me dream.
If I knew everything I didn't, would I be better off? Or would I be missing everything I used to know that made me Me.
and I haven't found one, anyway.
I have unique dimensions and needs.
Your idea of comfy would probably hurt me.
I've only had imaging done on my lower back and I'm already heading to talk to a surgeon.
Wait til they see my whole spine.
I used to have a neck.
It goes a little dark
now and then
but it is never as bad
and at the same time
never as good
as it really is
I miss Lake Wobegon.
I miss Joe Frank.
Life can be a little more David Lynchian than you think.
Have to watch out for those rabbit holes.
It's never the same after that...
Something about you cannot unsee
Time to finish that list.
As a part of the human condition
it seems to be overlooked
that someone who is not at your own level of proficiency
at one skill
but is of high proficiency at others
whatever they may be
can understand the steps you took
the pains, the sacrifices
and your skill level...
enough to thoroughly judge your work.
It is a myth
that someone not doing the job
cannot determine if you are doing it right
I dislike think tank social engineering as much as the next guy that knows it exists, but there doesn't seem to be a way around it. I guess I am just jealous I don't have the luxury bunker funded by the righteous madman.
In the end
did you leave anything
Don't confuse my ambiguity with my vagaries. (Don't be a moron. This is about various writings.)
Just because something is being done for reasons you cannot determine, or would not do, does not mean there is not method to the madness.
Let me be clear. Vague has no clue. It is a sudden change, out of the blue. Hard to read.
Ambiguity means you have to think about it. You may come to one conclusion, someone else may come to another. Maybe you are both right. Not my decision. Come to your own conclusion, but there is a conclusion to be drawn. I'm not here to win popularity contests.
In our next class, we will look at the difference between crazy and stupid and how one can be either, or, both and neither.
That is the only thing that is impossible.
If, by chance, you could do the same thing twice, the odds of getting the same positive result are astronomical.
The odds of doing the same thing twice and getting another negative result are amazing.
but there are 1000 other ones you probably never read.
I'm sure you have your reasons, but there is no excuse.
It is of the utmost importance
that you
the proper cadence
of my random notions put to print
Once you get your inner narrator to read in proper cadence, you can imagine the background music of the character, and get the mood and tone to fit.
Trying to force reason on absurdity and thinking you can get away with it.
See- mankind, science, religion, faith, politics, Mother Nature, economics
It takes a certain mental acuity to appreciate what I do hear. I'm not saying you have to be highly intelligent to like my content. I am saying very smart people dislike it for entirely different and far more accurate reasons.
Have a good day. If you can't find a reason to have a good day, invent an imaginary one.
A person said
If you take this pill
it will make
what makes you ill
go away
A month later, the person asked
how are you doing?
I said
the reason I took the pill
is halfway gone
but there are now
3 other ills
and the days are not as long
& the respected person in the white coat said
go away, see you in 30 days
but take these pills for the other 3 ills
and it just kept going
til I was just taking a dozen plus pills
and it never got better
and one day, I thought
that is it for me. I don't want any of these
Sure, I lived a few more days
but how many were livable days
and that respectable person in the white coat
were they trying to make you better
or sell more pills and treatments
this has gone from bad poetry
to a bad soliloquy
To those that question how I feel about "white coats"...
I ask you
How many of them will be at your funeral?
There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated. It's perfect.